Obviously, the meaning of scar's words is not only to let Chen Hui practice shooting, but also to let Chen Hui take the gun with him tonight.

Chen Hui couldn't help laughing and crying and said: "brother scar, I'm going to deliver the goods tonight and I'm going to have a gun. Now let me practice my gun. How can I feel like I'm grinding my gun in the face of a situation?"

"It is." Scar son laughed for a while and said: "as the saying goes, sharpening one's gun at a moment's notice is not quick! It's better than you don't know anything and can't even use a gun? "

After a pause, scar son said: "I've seen your fight in the underground fighting field. You don't have any skills. It's just a precaution to let you carry a gun. Besides, like last time, I'll track your delivery all the way. I'll keep talking on my mobile phone at that time. I'll remind you of anything wrong."

Scar son said so, Chen Hui can say what, immediately according to scar son said, began to shoot again and again.

It's true that sharpshooters are all shot feeders.

However, before becoming a sharpshooter, there is a premise, that is the sense of gun.

The word gun sense generally refers to the person who touches a gun for the first time, just like Chen Hui now.

The sense of gun, as the name suggests, is the sense of gun. Everyone has a different sense of gun. This is why some people can hit the target when they first touch the gun, while some people miss the target when they first touch the gun. They don't know where the bullet flies.

Every sharpshooter is fed by bullets, but before they become sharpshooters, they must have a good sense of guns when they first contact with guns.

Chen Hui's sense of gun is good. Although there are cases of miss shooting, only three of more than a dozen bullets miss the target. For him who contacts the gun for the first time, it is quite good.

When the bullet in the magazine was empty, Chen Hui handed the imitation gun to scar.

Scar took the gun and put it on the table. First, he picked up the cartridge cases on the ground one by one and put them away. Then he withdrew the clip and filled them with bullets.

"Well, that's all for today." Scar filled the cartridge clip with bullets, pushed it into the gun body, handed it to Chen Hui, and said, "put it away, we will start soon."

"No more practice?" Chen Hui asked.

"Not so many bullets." Scar son deep voice said: "after a period of time to practice, now only this clip bullet."

Scar son finished saying this, Chen Hui picked the remaining pistols on the table, put them into the black suitcase, carried the suitcase out, Chen Hui followed scar son out, asked: "scar brother, is there any bullet in the gun in the box? Can I do that again? "

"In the future, you can only practice the gun you choose. When there are enough bullets, you will continue to practice." Scar said as he walked.

"Brother scar, since you have guns and bullets, there must be a way out?" Chen Hui said, "next time, get more bullets so that I can have a good time?"

Men don't like to play with guns. They just can't get in touch with them. Chen Hui shows great interest in playing with guns at this time. Scar doesn't have any doubt.

"I want to have a good time!" Scar son said with a smile: "but this thing which is said to have? Didn't you see that I put all the shells away? I'm going to use these cartridge cases to reprocess bullets! "

There has never been a custom in the world for the military to pick up cartridge cases to be reassembled and redone. Brass shells used in Europe and the United States and steel shells used in Russia are not recycled, because the cost of recycling is higher than redoing.

But scar put away those shells and told Chen Hui to reprocess them, which is the so-called reload. It can be seen that bullets are really hard to get.

However, scar's words not only show that the bullets are not easy to handle, but also show another problem, that is, he uses these cartridge cases to make bullets again, which shows that the bullets are processed and reloaded by him!

"Brother scar, do you still have this skill?" Chen Hui asked with a look of disbelief.

"There's nothing difficult about it. It's mainly about the primer." Scar son light says: "other all easy to do!"

"Great Chen Hui gave scar a thumbs up. Suddenly, he thought of something and asked, "brother scar, you can even process bullets. Aren't these imitation guns made by you?"

"What do you say?" Scar gave Chen Hui an enigmatic smile.

With a clear look, Chen Hui lowered his voice and said, "brother scar, since you have this skill, why don't you just make guns and sell them? Is it better than the business we are doing now? "

Scar knows very well that Chen Hui's so-called "stronger" means that after an accident, the sentence may be lighter.

Scar slowly shook his head, said: "I have this craft is true, but it can't be mass-produced, besides, it's really manufacturing and selling, and the crime is not seen. It's lighter than what we are doing now, and the money is not so fast. The two-phase comparison results. These are just what I do for self-defense, and they won't be sold out!"

"So it is." Chen Hui nodded, no longer asked what, already know a lot, scar son will imitate guns, will reprocess bullets!

This guy's got to get to the point!

"All right, get ready to go!" Scar takes Chen Hui to the office building and gives Chen Hui the car key.

It's the same car last time, and the equipment in it is the same as before.

The only difference is that there is an extra earphone. Scar asked Chen Hui to use the earphone. When he arrived at the receiving place, he asked Chen Hui to keep talking with him. If there is anything wrong, he would remind Chen Hui.

The advantage of this kind of function machine is that the battery is durable, and now the battery capacity is large. Many function machines mainly stand by for a month, and there is no pressure for long-time calls.

Chen Hui didn't talk nonsense either. He got on the car, started the car and drove out of the pharmaceutical factory.

Scar, as he did last time, directs Chen Hui to move forward. Whenever he needs to change his route around the corner, scar will call this function machine.

It's just that this time, it's not as simple as walking more and more out of the way, but it's always on the way out of Nanjiang.

At this time, he had completely driven to the deserted place. If he drove further, he was about to leave the boundary of Nanjiang. Without waiting for scar's phone, Chen Hui picked up the function phone and dialed back according to the above call.

The phone was soon connected, and scar's voice came: "what's the matter?"

"Brother scar, how long will it be?" Chen Hui immediately asked, "if you go further, you'll be out of Nanjiang. Last time I delivered the goods, although the location was a little remote, you didn't get out of Nanjiang!"

"This is the first time to deal with people. You can't trade on the boundary of Nanjiang without touching each other's details." Scar son deep voice said: "you continue to drive forward, until the place, I will call you."