Lin Rong's first kiss to Chen Hui, in front of Chen Hui, has rarely appeared this shy to panic, or even can not appear.

However, at this time, Lin Rong was really shy to panic, because what she was thinking was something shameful, and she was completely in this state of mind.

Awakened by Chen Hui's words, Lin Rong panics. While speaking, she stands up and goes out.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Chen Hui quickly stood up, things have not finished, this girl run what strength? Look at her, she's just running away?

"I'll go back and report it to Mayor Zhang. At present, only the source of the poison is not known." At this time, Lin Rong had reached the door, stood still, looked at Chen Hui, and said, "when you have the information about the source of the poison, we can deploy the problem of network collection. It's time to set up a real ad hoc group."

At present, an ad hoc group has been set up for the case of CAI Qin, but there are only three members in the ad hoc group. Of course, Lin Rong is needless to say. The other two are director Liang Baiming and Mayor Zhang Hongwei.

The reason why she did this was completely for the sake of confidentiality. Cai Qin's identity is too sensitive. She is a star entrepreneur of a famous pharmaceutical company in Nanjiang. This is one of the reasons. Another reason is that Cai Qin's identity is not so powerful. Even the police system can't help her. Naturally, the fewer people who know about this case, the better.

With Chen Hui, an undercover of the police, when the case comes to light and the evidence is solid, we can directly set up an ad hoc group. We don't need to inform the police who have been transferred in any information, we just need to issue an order to arrest them. Only in this way can we do our best.

"There's no need to be in such a hurry!" Chen Hui said with tears and laughter.

When Chen Hui said this, Lin Rong hesitated. Indeed, even if he reported it to Mayor Zhang, he didn't have to worry about it, because the source of the poison was still unknown.

Lin Rong came back again, sat down beside Chen Hui and said, "the case has become complicated. There is cash in those two big travel bags. It is impossible for her to keep such a large amount of money. Moreover, it seems that her business of drug trafficking is not one or two days. If she always keeps such a large amount of cash, where can she put it?"

After a pause, Lin Rong added: "the economic investigation has to intervene in this case."

"You mean money laundering?" Chen Hui asked after thinking about it.

Lin Rong nodded and said, "the day you delivered the goods to her, you started from her pharmaceutical factory. The income from drug trafficking was also brought back to her. I doubt if she laundered money through the pharmaceutical factory!"

"Very likely." After a long silence, Chen Hui said, "but before we arrest her, can't we disturb the economic investigation?"

"Of course, it can't be alarmed. Compared with drug trafficking, money laundering is only a small case." Lin Rong nodded and said: "what's more, as long as Cai Qin is arrested, her interrogation will also include this aspect of the problem, but first report to Mayor Zhang, who will first select the economic investigators. After the arrest of CAI Qin, immediately audit the accounts of her pharmaceutical factory, and cooperate with our interrogation work, the progress will be much faster."

What Lin Rong said was about the trial of the case, and it was also about the future. Chen Hui couldn't answer the question. At the moment, he just laughed and said nothing more.

Lin Rong obviously knows this, but now she is thinking about another problem. She is worried that once Cai Qin is arrested, the accounts of the pharmaceutical factory will be deleted artificially!

Lin Rong's worries are not in vain. After all, Cai Qin is just the boss of a pharmaceutical factory. The pharmaceutical factory has an accountant and a cashier, and the accounts are managed by the financial department.

If Cai Qin really launders money through the pharmaceutical factory and turns the income from drug trafficking into legal income, then the people in the finance department are also the key suspects.

"It seems that I have to find a master!" Lin Rong said at this time.

Lin Rong's words are endless. Chen Hui can't help but ask: "what expert?"

"Is commonly known as the hacker!" Lin Rong explained to Chen Hui, "if Cai Qin launders money through the pharmaceutical factory and turns the proceeds of drug trafficking into legal income, he will definitely go to the pharmaceutical factory's account. In this way, the financial personnel of the pharmaceutical factory are suspicious. Once Cai Qin is arrested and the financial account data is lost, it will also be a trouble. I'll find a technical expert, See if you can hack into CAI Qin's pharmaceutical network. "

"Aren't hackers against you?" Chen Hui asked curiously.

"That's just ordinary people's understanding." Lin Rong said in a deep voice: "the real experts are committed to network security and cooperate with us. Those who claim to be hackers have the same level. It's not so good!"

Chen Hui nodded and said nothing more. Chen Hui had heard the word hacker, but only to the extent that ordinary people had heard and understood it. He didn't know anything else. He only knew that it was a group of mysterious and powerful characters.

Lin Rong knew something about this and said, "first of all, I don't know if I can hack into the network of CAI Qin's pharmaceutical factory. If I can't, I need auxiliary means. It's up to you to complete it!"

"What AIDS?" Chen Hui immediately asked.

"I don't know now. You wait for me to call. I'll go back and report to Mayor Zhang first, and then I'll do it." "It's better not to use you and try to avoid your exposure," Lin said

"Cai Qin may not contact me in a short time." Chen Hui reminded: "you also heard the recording. What I said in the end is equivalent to giving Cai Qin an ultimatum. Unless she tells me how the drugs came from, otherwise, I will not do anything for her."

"Since she wants to open up new drug trafficking routes, she will definitely use you." Looking at Chen Hui, Lin Rong said, "don't worry about this. What we have to do is to be well prepared. In this case, we must grasp all the evidence before we arrest Cai Qin. Otherwise, if we arrest Cai Qin, it will be very passive. Cai Qin's pharmaceutical factory is a big taxpayer and star enterprise in Nanjiang. What does it mean, I don't have to say much, you should understand! "

"I know." Chen Hui nodded and said that Cai Qin not only gave Chen Hui a car, but also gave Chen Hui a driver's license. Chen Hui didn't show up for all these things. However, Cai Qin did it properly. Chen Hui once asked Lin Rong to check it.

The result of the investigation at that time was a greeting from Shi Yuankai, Secretary of the municipal Party Committee