Hearing Chen Hui say so, Zhou qiuchu can't help frowning again. Her department is highly confidential, and what she is dealing with can't be told to the outside world.

However, what Chen Hui said is reasonable. He already knows a lot of things. If Zhou qiuchu doesn't tell him some information in depth, it's also a thing that can't be justified.

After all, Chen Hui has been involved in this matter. As a party, he has the right to know the information.

Cheng Ziyi is crisp, said: "you want to know what to ask, as long as I know, I will answer you truthfully."

Seeing Cheng Ziyi's attitude, Zhou qiuchu's brow is more tight!

Cheng Ziyi is a face fearless appearance, looked at Zhou qiuchu, there is no lack of provocative meaning.

In fact, what Zhou qiuchu doesn't know is that although Cheng Ziyi has been practicing for many years, she has been with her ancestors all the time. She has little contact with people in the practice world. All she knows about the practice world is basically from her ancestors. If Chen Hui really asks about the current situation of the practice world, Cheng Ziyi really can't answer.

It is for this reason that Cheng Ziyi will say that she knows, and will give Chen Hui a truthful answer. As for she does not know, there is nothing she can do.

Zhou qiuchu sighed deeply in his heart, nodded silently, and couldn't help giving Cheng Ziyi a huge white eye!

In the current situation, the more Cheng Ziyi says, the more Zhou qiuchu has to say. Otherwise, it will appear that Zhou qiuchu is guilty, which leads Chen Hui's judgment to the side of the people in practice. This is the last thing Zhou qiuchu wants to see and can't let this happen. Chen Hui can't be biased to the side of the people in practice!

In other words, at this time, it's a bit like a snipe and clam fighting for the benefit of Weng. Zhou qiuchu and Cheng Ziyi are the snipe and clam fighting against each other, and Chen Hui is the fisherman who benefits!

"Since you promised first, would you please tell me some information about the practice world?" Chen Hui turned to Cheng Ziyi and asked.

Cheng Ziyi was embarrassed and said, "do you have any specific questions? So let me say, I don't know what to say! "

"The rules of people in your practice?" After thinking about it, Chen Hui said.

"In fact, there have been practitioners since ancient times." Cheng Ziyi nodded and said, "every school of practice has its own rules. Although the rules of each school are not the same, the purpose is the same, that is, people in practice will not intersect with ordinary people, because people in practice think they are beyond things!"

As soon as Cheng Ziyi's words were finished, Zhou qiuchu gave a cold hum and said, "what you said sounds good. In fact? If it wasn't for the crimes committed by people in your cultivation, which caused the police a headache and many cases became unsolved, how could my department be established? "

After saying this, Zhou qiuchu turned to Chen Hui and said, "the ability of people in practice is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. After they commit a case, the police can't solve it at all. With such a group of people, what do you think the state will do?"

Hearing Zhou qiuchu's words, Chen Hui nodded and asked, "when was your department established?"

"It's only a few decades, but in these decades, many colleagues in my department have died." When Zhou qiuchu said this, his face was a little gloomy.

Chen Hui was silent for a long time before he asked, "I don't know if I understand right. Is this the case? Before the establishment of your department, the practitioners are completely autonomous, but after the establishment of your department, a kind of supervision is formed on them

"That's right." Zhou qiuchu immediately said: "it's impossible for such a person with great ability to rely entirely on autonomy. There must be a regulatory system. Otherwise, some of them commit crimes and can't get legal sanctions at all."

Seeing that Chen Hui seemed inclined to agree with Zhou qiuchu's words, Cheng Ziyi was a little worried. She took Chen Hui's arm and said, "people in our practice are very self disciplined. The situation is not what she said."

Chen Hui patted Cheng Ziyi's hand with a smile and said, "I understand that a person, no matter whether he is in practice or not, is divided into good and bad people. As far as the current situation is concerned, it should be you who are in practice. There are scum, which leads to the establishment of the Department where officer Zhou works!"

"The world of practice will not let go of the scum of people in practice. The corresponding punishment is very heavy." Cheng Ziyi said immediately.

With these words, Cheng Ziyi turned to Zhou qiuchu and said, "a few decades ago, some practitioners in Japan appeared in Japan and wantonly stole state secrets. It was our practitioners who killed him. Our practitioners are not like you said. According to you, we are a group of people who endanger national security, but what we do is to protect national security, Why don't you say that? "

Hearing Cheng Ziyi's words, Chen Hui looks at Zhou qiuchu with great interest. It seems that the people in practice are not as unbearable as Zhou qiuchu said. Although some of them commit crimes, they are also unambiguous before the national righteousness.

Zhou qiuchu sighed and said, "Cheng Ziyi, it's not that I don't say it, but that I haven't said it yet. As I said just now, my department was established decades ago. As you said just now, your practice circles stood up and killed that guy. I admit that they protected the national security, but it was at that time that the practice circles were exposed to the eyes of the country, That's why my department was set up. "

After a pause, Zhou qiuchu said softly: "in a country, security is the primary issue. It is impossible to hand over national security to a group of undisciplined but rebellious people."

"Come into being!" Chen Hui also sighed at this time and said such a sentence.

After hearing Chen Hui's words, Zhou qiuchu gave Chen Hui a look of appreciation. Indeed, her department is very special, and it was born at the historic moment!

"It's been several decades. It's already an old almanac for your practice circle and for officer Zhou's department." Chen Hui is afraid that Cheng Ziyi misunderstands that he is on Zhou qiuchu's side. He says to Cheng Ziyi, "I just want to know more information and explore the truth. I won't stand on either side of you."

Chen Hui said this to Cheng Ziyi, then turned to Zhou qiuchu and asked, "officer Zhou, I think before and in the early days of the establishment of your department, you... Or should we say that the country and the practice community actually had a honeymoon period?"