Chen Hui's tease to Cai Qin, of course, will not accept. Moreover, Cai Qin's tease to Chen Hui has been more than once. Chen Hui does not accept every time!

Chen Hui shook his head with a smile and said, "sister Qin is really powerful and domineering!"

Just at this time, the bartender delivered the drinks and then returned them.

Wine is whisky, accompanied by black tea and other drinks, as well as a bucket of ice.

"Do you drink pure or mixed? Or ice? " Cai Qin goes to the sofa and sits down. She picks up an open bottle of whisky and shakes it at Chen Hui.

"I haven't had any. Sister Qin will make up her mind." Chen Hui said.

Cai Qin nodded, put ice cubes in two wine glasses, poured whiskey on them, took up the glass and handed it to Chen Hui. She took another one, touched it with Chen Hui and said, "cheers!"

Cai Qin raised her head and drank the whisky out of her glass. Chen Hui also drank it out. Cai Qin asked, "what's the taste like?"

Chen Hui smashed his mouth and said, "I can't say it, but it's much better than red wine!"

"Ha ha!" Hearing Chen Hui's words, Cai Qin burst out laughing, poured whisky into Chen Hui's and his own glasses again, then picked up the remote control on the tea table and pressed it.

All of a sudden, the same music sounds in the private room. Although the volume is much smaller than that outside, in the closed space like the private room, the volume is much smaller than that outside, which also produces the same deafening effect as that outside.

Under this volume, if you want to hear the voice clearly, you have to get close to the other person's ear to speak.

Cai Qin raised her glass and swayed with the music. She came to Chen Hui's ear and said, "cheers!"

With these words, Cai Qin clinks a glass with Chen Hui again and drinks the whiskey out of the glass.

Chen Hui also drained the whiskey in his glass. Cai Qin added wine to Chen Hui again. Chen Hui held the glass in his heart and said quietly: "he also said that he didn't like the noisy environment. You are obviously more experienced than the people on the dance floor outside."

After pouring wine for Chen Hui and herself again, Cai Qin took Chen Hui's glass, put two glasses of wine on the tea table, then pulled Chen Hui's two hands, put them on her waist, put them close to Chen Hui's ear and said loudly, "dance with me!"

Cai Qin did not give Chen Hui a chance to speak. She put her hands around Chen Hui's waist and twisted her body like a water snake.

Chen Hui has never been to a bar. Where can he dance?

Cai Qin's hands went up along Chen Hui's waist. Chen Hui rushed to Cai Qin's ear and said, "sister Qin, I can't dance!"

"Just follow the rhythm of the music!" Cai Qin once again leaned up to Chen Hui's ear and said in a loud voice, but her two hands were already around Chen Hui's neck.

Chen Hui looked at Cai Qin with a helpless, smiling and crying look. He didn't move. He didn't fit in with this environment!

Seeing Chen Hui's embarrassment, Cai Qin released her arms around Chen Hui's neck.

Chen Hui quickly released his hands around Cai Qinyao.

Cai Qin turned down the volume to make it easier for them to hear each other. She said, "it's a celebration to come here. It's boring for you to be so motionless. Come on, sister, I'll give you something exciting!"

With these words, Cai Qin took Chen Hui to the sofa and sat down. Then she took out a small transparent sealed bag from the tray served by the waiter.

The inside of this small transparent sealed bag is white powder. After opening it, Cai Qin poured some powder on the table, then spread out the white powder into a long strip, handed it to Chen Hui with a straw, and said to Chen Hui, "suck it in with your nose!"

"What is this?" Chen Hui looks at Cai Qin and asks.

"Happy powder!" Cai Qin replied.

Looking at Cai Qin, Chen Hui sneered and asked, "sister Qin, are you taking me for a fool?"

"How?" Cai Qin asked in amazement.

Chen Hui pointed to the powder on the table and said, "the happy powder of bullshit is clearly hi Luo Yin, commonly known as white powder. It's a drug!"

"So what?" Cai Qin looked at Chen Hui and said, "it's nothing to play once in a while. It's not addictive. It just makes you excited."

"Sorry, I won't touch this thing!" Chen Hui said faintly: "this thing does great harm to the body. After a long time, it will make people become useless. Does sister Qin want me to become a useless person and be killed in the ring?"

"I don't think so!" Cai Qin quickly waved her hand and said, "if you don't suck, I won't force you. Don't misunderstand me!"

With these words, Cai Qin put the straw on her nose and lowered her head toward hi Luo Yin on the table.

Chen Hui darts up, grabs Cai Qin's straw and throws it away. Then he takes a deep breath and blows all the powder on the tea table to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Cai qinteng stood up and glared at Chen Hui.

Instead of paying attention to Cai Qin, Chen Hui picked up the packet of white powder and went directly to the bathroom of the private room. He opened the packet of white powder and sprinkled it into the toilet. Then he pressed the flush button. The packet of white powder was immediately washed down the water into the sewer.

Cai Qin ran to the door of the bathroom, and Chen Hui finished all this.

Cai Qin glared at Chen Hui. Her eyes seemed to be bursting with fire.

"This thing can't be touched!" Chen Hui looked at Cai Qin with a calm look on his face and said, "I don't care if you've ever smoked before. In short, in front of me, you can't touch this thing!"

With these words, Chen Hui went to the tea table, picked up two glasses of whiskey and handed one to Cai Qin.

Cai Qin was silent for a while and took the whisky from Chen Hui.

Chen Hui reaches out his hand, touches the glass in CAI Qin's hand, drinks the whiskey in the glass, and then goes to the sofa to sit down.

Obviously, the atmosphere before is gone. Now it's very dull.

Cai Qin looks up and drinks the whiskey in her glass. She stands still and doesn't look at Chen Hui. She doesn't know what she's thinking.

After a moment's silence, Chen Hui asked, "sister Qin, have you ever smoked this before?"

"Yes." Cai Qin said crisp.

Chen Hui sighed and said nothing more.

Cai Qin sat down beside Chen Hui and said, "you seem to mind smoking this stuff very much?"

"Things that bring disaster to the country and the people." Chen Hui said faintly: "even if the level is reduced to the lowest, it is something that destroys people. Although there are many addicts in this society, I don't want to see people around me touch this kind of thing. Once people touch this kind of thing, they can't be called people!"