Lu Liangpeng, as the leading elder brother of Jiying society, naturally knows the situation of Jiying society very well. Especially, a place like yemingzhu is at the junction of Tianlong gang. Lu Liangpeng knows all about such a place and all kinds of information involved in it.

Bi how Yanwei, the director of the Bureau, is involved in the field of the night pearl, because the field of the night pearl is within his jurisdiction, and Lu Liangpeng knows he Yanwei very well.

Needless to say, Lu Liangpeng knows that he Yanwei doesn't enter the market. He has always adopted the strategy of checks and balances to balance the balance between Jiying society and Tianlong Gang, so that the two gangs are equal in his jurisdiction. No one can do anything about it.

"Chen Hui helped me." With these words, Lu Shuying gives a general account of Chen Hui's thoughts and the progress of things.

"It worked that way." Lu Liangpeng nodded and said, "I hope this time we can go through the road of he Yanwei, otherwise, they will catch you!"

"When Qian Yong took care of the night pearl, didn't he Yanwei get through?" Lu Shuying frowned and said, "it's not that he doesn't know. He Yanwei's road is hard to get through."

"The situation is different. When he takes care of the night pearl, he doesn't have such a chance." Lu Liangpeng said in a deep voice: "now that you can't open the door to glory, it's not so much an opportunity as a problem for you. As you can see, they are here today to force the palace. If you can successfully solve this problem, you will have a firm foothold in Jiying Society. If you can't solve it, they will push you down first."

In the final analysis, these big brothers of Jiying society don't want to see Lu Shuying in the top position. Especially Lu Liangpeng is not in good health now. They are afraid that everyone is in a bad mood.

"If Chen Hui can help you solve this problem, then he is really your noble man!" Lu Liangpeng laughed and said, "don't treat him badly."

"I know." Lu Shuying nodded and said.

Chen Hui has followed Cai Qin's bodyguard to practice driving at this time. I have to say that Chen Hui's learning ability is very strong. Although it is only two short afternoons, Chen Hui has learned almost.

It's still close to school. Chen Hui finished his practice this afternoon. On the way back, the bodyguard drove back with Chen Hui.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen. I'll get out of the car for a moment." Cai Qin's bodyguard stopped his car by the side of the road and told Chen Hui.

Chen Hui nodded. The bodyguard immediately got out of the car and headed for the public toilet on the side of the road.

Chen Hui sat in the passenger seat waiting for Cai Qin's bodyguard to come back. However, after waiting for more than ten minutes, he did not see Cai Qin's bodyguard come back.

Isn't this a large one?

Chen Hui had this question in his mind. After waiting for more than ten minutes, no one came out. Chen Hui could not help but push the door to get off and went straight to the men's room in the public toilet on the side of the road.

There is no one in the men's room except the cleaning staff!

Did this guy slip?

What the hell?

Chen Hui looks at a window in the toilet. It's obvious that Cai Qin's bodyguard must have jumped out of the window and then slipped away.

At this time, Chen Hui's phone rings, a strange number.

Chen Hui got through and said, "this is Chen Hui. Who's calling?"

"Little brother, are you standing in the toilet now?" Cai Qin's voice with a smile came from the phone.

"Sister Qin, your bodyguard has to go to the toilet. No one comes out for a long time. I'll come in and have a look." Chen Hui while answering the phone, while out of the public toilet, said: "did not expect others to slip, this is your arrangement?"

"That's right." Cai Qin immediately admitted it and said, "now get in the car and open the co pilot's glove box. There's something I prepared for you in it!"

"What is it?" Chen Hui asked suspiciously.

"Oh, why do you have so many questions? Just open it and have a look? " Cai Qin seems to be a little impatient.

Chen Hui opened the co pilot's glove box, which contained nothing but a driver's license.

Chen Hui took out his driver's license and opened it. This driver's license is his!

"How's it going? See that? " Cai Qin asked with a smile.

"I see it." Chen Huifan looked at the driver's license and asked, "sister Qin, is this driver's license real or fake?"

"It's true, of course." Cai Qin said with a smile, "well, now that you have learned how to drive, you also have a driver's license. This car is your walking tool."

Obviously, the reason why Chen Hui refused to accept the car from Cai Qin last time is no longer tenable. Cai Qin helped him get a driver's license, and it was only when Chen Hui didn't go for a test.

"Sister Qin, to tell you the truth, I will be very upset if I take this car." Chen Hui said in a deep voice: "no merit, no salary!"

"Can you do something for me? Take this car and you'll be at ease? " Cai Qin asked.

"It's understandable," Chen said

"Then you can keep it open. I'll use it for you." Cai Qin said with a smile, "I hope you can give me a surprise."

"What do you want me to do for you?" Chen Hui asked immediately.

"I can't tell you yet." Cai Qin giggled and said, "I'll get in touch with you then, that's it!"

With these words, Cai Qin hung up.

Chen Hui thinks about it, gets on the car, drives forward, and dials Lin Rong.

It wasn't long before Lin Rong got through. Chen Hui asked, "are you free tonight? Shall we meet in the evening? "

"I'm free now." Lin Rong immediately said, "it's time to get off work!"

"I can't do it now. I'll have business with you later in the evening." Chen Hui said, "make a place for you in the evening, and I'll pick you up."

"What's so mysterious?" Lin Rong can't help but ask suspiciously.

"See you then." Chen Hui said.

Lin Rong didn't say anything more. After making an appointment with Chen Hui about the time and place, she hung up.

In the early morning of that night, Chen Hui drove to the place mentioned by Lin Rong and picked up Lin Rong.

"Where did you get the car?" After meeting Lin Rong, he immediately asked.

Instead of answering Lin Rong, Chen Hui takes Lin Rong around a few times. Then he chooses a drink shop, parks his car, and goes into the shop with Lin Rong.

"I said the car was given to me. Do you believe it?" Chen Hui and Lin Rong said after sitting down.

"To whom?" Lin Rong was not angry and said: "more than one million cars, do you want to send them? Why didn't I do that? "