——According to reports, the car crash at the gate of Jiafan hospital a month ago finally came to an end today! Miss Xiaoya, the driver of the accident, has been sentenced to life imprisonment by the court for forgery of her psychiatric appraisal certificate and the established charge of attempted murder. The court explained that she violated the law and was cruel

- driving into a pregnant woman is unforgivable no matter what the reason is. In addition, in order to get rid of the crime, she deliberately forges her mental state and flouts the court. Now Xiaoya has been formally put in prison. It is said that she still appeals, but the court says that she will reject her appeal

At present, the Internet is full of complaints against Xiaoya and consolation for the loss of her mother


On the back seat of the car, shijunxi tightly closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her petite body relaxed a little at this moment.


She finally put her in prison, and that's just the beginning!

She will not completely obliterate her, as she said, she should be glad that she is Li Lin's daughter!

Just because of this, shijunxi can't completely destroy Xiaoya, but it doesn't mean she will let go.

When the mountain in the front row looked at Junxi, he spoke for a long time and said, "Miss, Mo's car has been following behind."

Smart eyes slightly open, when Junxi look at the car behind in the rearview mirror, mouth raised a smile, in the end or said, "stop in the front of the coffee shop, please come in and sit down."

After that, Shijun Xi can't help but take a deep breath.

To Mo Qian, she can't help but have some fear. The only way she wants to overcome is to force herself to go up!

Jing Shaofan's car also followed. As soon as shijunxi's car stopped, his car also stopped. Inexplicably, shijunxi's heart was stable for several minutes, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. Finally, shijunxi's mood was better.

In the coffee shop, Mo Qian stepped in slowly, but from the beginning to the end, Jun Xi's eyes were all doubt.

Yes, doubt!

He didn't understand why he hadn't seen you for only a month. Shijunxi was like a different person!

Before that timid, timid, will only wait for the rescue when Jun Xi seems to disappear in general, the woman in front of him is good at using his innocent and vulnerable appearance to weaken others' defensive psychology, also know how to use his woman's weakness to let people unconsciously pity her, such a woman with ideas, is not the woman he knew at the beginning!

Anger hovered slightly at the bottom of his eyes. I don't know whether he was born like this or his mind was impure. But I have to say that Mo Qian still felt wronged. Once he was full of anger, which he didn't object to, but now, he really didn't!

"What would you like to drink?" As soon as Mo Qian sat down, Jun Xi asked softly, as if he were treating his friends.

But in fact, as long as she knew, her heart was hanging from the moment Mo Qian stepped into the room!

She's afraid, she's afraid, but she can only hold on!

Afraid that he would see that her body would be stiff, she would try to pinch herself below, trying to relax herself in pain. Afraid that he would see the twinkle in her eyes, she would lower her eyes and cover her mind with eyelashes. Afraid that she would see her tension, she would speak straight when he sat down!

When she lifted her eyes, she disguised herself very well. She looked straight at the milk cup in her hand and said, "thank you very much."

In a word, Mo Qian's face changed slightly.

She was thanking him because of his words in court just now, and because he chose to stand on this side of the behavior!

When Mo Qian didn't speak, he could clearly see that he was in a bad mood, but Shi Junxi didn't care. When he saw that the door of the coffee shop was pushed open by Jing Shaofan, he finally said, "no matter you are on my side or on Mo's side, I thank you today, just because you don't have any As always, shield her and connive at her

As the words fell, Mo Qian's face turned pale and his anger disappeared.

But Shi Junxi just looked at him indifferently and said to the point, "you know, today's Xiaoya is like this, you also have to bear a large part of the responsibility!"

If it wasn't for his connivance, if it wasn't for his shelter, if it wasn't for his desire to take a person to hell with him, he really fell in love with Xiaoya, how would he like his woman to live a life with today and no tomorrow?

After all, Mo Qian is just a selfish man!

He is selfish, so will let Xiaoya step by step to today's situation!

"I don't care what kind of feelings you have with Xiaoya. I just want to tell you that Xiaoya is my mother's daughter. No matter what, I won't kill her, although I really want to do that!" When she spoke softly, Junxi didn't Miss Mo Qian's sarcasm at her words. Then she said, "it's normal for me not to believe it, because I don't think I will do that, but I won't. do you think Jing Shaofan and Mu Shaoan will? The person who was bullied by Xiaoya at the beginning, will it? Don't say where our hands can be extended. If people outside drag on a little, she won't be relaxed... "Now, when Mo Qian looked at her, Jun Xi's eyes became serious and serious.

"The reason why I'm sitting here talking to you now is just to make it clear to you. After that, we'll go on our own. Anyway, the Mo family and the Mu family won't have anything to do with each other, will they?" After drinking some hot milk, Yu Guang of Jun Xi saw Jing Shaofan sitting at the table beside him. He was warm in his heart and said, "when you kidnapped me, I told the police that I was scared and forgot. But maybe one day I will remember when I see that man, so you should understand."

Mo Qian's eyes narrowed fiercely and didn't speak.

Looking out of the window, Shi Junxi said carelessly, "if I can, I don't want to have any relationship with you. I forget the kidnapping, and you, master Mo, don't interfere in anything about Xiaoya, that's all!"

After that, shijunxi turned to look at him, but he was very serious.

She is not afraid of Mo Qian in the heart hate her, or want to revenge her, she just want Xiaoya!

Even if she had been in prison, she would not let her go easily!

Because Li Lin is her mother, she continues to live well. Otherwise, mu Shao'an, Jing Shaofan, and even the mountains around her have a hundred ways to make her completely lose her traces. But with Li Lin's support, she can not dominate the market. After all, it's true that she helped Qu Minfen move the grave!

For a long time, for a long time, Mo Qian just looked at shijunxi without a glance.

Shijunxi also suddenly appears to be very patient, he does not speak, she is not anxious, just waiting patiently.

Finally, Mo Qian opened his mouth, but asked, "Shi Junxi, or mu Junxi, now I finally know why Jing Shaofan divorced you!"

In a word, Shi Junxi's face changed slightly, but she got up and said with a smile, "I finally know why Jing Shaofan divorced me."