Suddenly interrupted by someone, Tang Yue is a little uncomfortable. She turns her head and looks at the reporter in surprise. The anger on her face is about to be sent out, but she doesn't want the reporters around to start talking one after another!

Is there something new in what you say? A few sentences every time?

How about more than ten years? Ms. Mu is more lucky than you to occupy the position of the second young lady of the Jing family!

What kind of shrewd and tricky personality would a man like?


The words fall to the ground, Tang Yue can't respond for a long time, but those disgusted and disgusted cheeks in front of her are so real and quickly displayed in front of her!

"I I... " Although Tang Yue, who has never been treated like this by a large number of people, is not adapted to it, she is more afraid. She suddenly remembers that she is not a matter of the Tang family. She also suddenly remembers that Jing Shaofan has not wanted her. What's more, she suddenly remembers that Jing Shaofan's care and love for mu Junxi from the bottom of her heart. If it is true, what is left for her? Did she have nothing?

Take a deep breath suddenly, Tang Yue's body all slightly trembles and says, "you! You take a good picture for me! Shaofan, Shaofan is not at home! Yes, he is not at home. He is working outside now. As long as he sees me at the door of his home, he will come back to me. Yes! Shaofan has always loved me the most. Besides, it's one thing whether mujunxi can come back or not. Even if she comes back, she can't give Shaofan a child. Even if she does, who knows who the child is! "

When the reporters around her were listening to the three words "Mujun Xi" in her mouth, they had calmed down and pointed the camera at her one after another.

Since the disappearance of shijunxi, who dares to talk so much about shijunxi in such a big city?

Is Jing Shaofan fake, or is mu Shaoan fake?

But some people don't believe in evil!

"So you should please me now!" As soon as he saw that the people around him were paying attention to him again, Tang Yue was full of confidence and said, "even Mu Shaoan knows that when his sister comes back, she will no longer be qualified to be the young lady of the Jing family. So he asks them to divorce. He is so self-conscious. Do you think Jing Shaofan and the Jing family will accept Mu Jun? Jing Shaofan's only choice is me, and it will only be me. I, Tang Yue, will be the other half of his life! "

Tang Yue's eyes are full of excitement when his sonorous and powerful words come to the ground!

Suddenly, not far away Maserati came slowly. When people saw Jing Shaofan's car at the scene, they were excited.

Mr. Jing, what do you think of Miss Tang's remarks?

Mr. Jing, would you consider marrying Miss Tang?

Mr. Jing, have you heard from Miss mu?


Before getting off, Jing Shaofan has been blocked in the car!

Qi Chen gets out of the car and takes his bodyguard to separate the reporters. Jing Shaofan gets out of the car and slowly holds Jing Shaoying in a wheelchair. He walks towards home step by step. His deep eyes do not squint. He slightly bends down to talk to Jing Shaoying, as if hundreds of people in front of him are empty in his eyes!

Mr. Jing, Mr. Jing, have you found Miss mu?

Mr. Jing, are you preparing the divorce agreement?

Mr. Jing


No matter what people around him say or make noise, Jing Shaofan doesn't hear it, but he doesn't hear it until his way home with Jing Shaoying is blocked by Tang Yue. In a moment, all the cameras gather here!

"Shao fan, Shao fan, you are back at last! You don't know how these people bully me when you're away! " With an angry face, Tang Yue is incredibly beautiful, but Jing Shaofan is still unmoved. As she is about to step forward to hold his arm, Jing Shaoying's wheelchair moves slightly to block her steps. Tang Yue says, "Shaofan, look at your sister! Does anyone treat his sister-in-law like this? "

Extremely arrogant words landing, the whole scene is quiet a lot.

At the tip of his brow, Jing Shaoying was just about to speak. Jing Shaofan said impatiently, "I think the name of my wife, who is the whole city a should know, Miss Tang, are you here now..." Are you kidding? "

His voice is cold and his expression is indifferent. The change of Jing Shaofan makes people around him feel stunned!

Jingshaofan was once jingshaofan, but it is clear that it has not been jingshaofan!

As soon as the words fell, Tang Yuejiao's pretty face suddenly turned into a palette, especially wonderful!

Ignore, Jing Shaofan but to the bodyguard next to slightly signal, someone has come forward to pull Tang Yue away, suddenly controlled by people to push into the crowd, Tang Yue back to God moment to see Jing Shaofan has pushed Jing Shaoying into the door!

His face turned red with anger. Tang Yue drank recklessly and said, "Jing Shaofan! Are you still waiting for mujunxi to come back? Even if she is a woman who has been abused, do you still want it? "

In a word, someone at the whole scene has held his breath and carefully watched the change of Jing Shaofan.The footstep stops, but is turned back, Jing Shaofan's tall body posture so stands there!

"What? Second young master of the Jing family, did you want to wear old shoes, and would you be so happy with these old shoes? Is it true that as long as she is Mujun Xi, no matter how many men she is abused and insulted by, she is still pure in your heart? " The corners of his mouth were smiling. Tang Yue's eyes were full of undisguised irony and pride. He continued, "who took her away, do you know? Mo Qian! I heard that he once threw a woman he hated to hundreds of his younger brothers. What do you think of the end of that woman? If you are killed by someone playing with you, do you think mujunxi will also... "

All of a sudden, Jing Shaofan turns to look at Tang Yue. There is no emotion at the bottom of his deep eyes, and even there is no air conditioning or low pressure in his whole body. He just looks at Tang Yue quietly, but forces Tang Yue to shut up!

The beautiful Mou stares at him, the words behind Tang Yue how also can't export, can Leng Leng of looking at him!

The camera is still facing them. Jing Shaofan hasn't spoken for a long time, and Tang Yue doesn't dare to speak any more!

After a long time, when the whole scene felt that it was more and more difficult to breathe, Jing Shaofan looked at Tang Yue, but suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, cold and unfeeling. Without waiting for everyone's reaction, Jing Shaofan had stepped into the house and said something to Qi Chen, but no one heard him. But looking at Tang Yue's eyes, it was clear that they were all schadenfreude!

The scene here is chaotic and troublesome, while the other side is bright and simple, like a warm sunny day.

In the airport, mujunxi, wearing a simple V-neck white sweater, stands on the huge LCD screen and hides in the crowd, looking at all the live broadcast above. In her smart eyes, she deeply misses that man!

He was held on his shoulder by others. Without looking back, he heard his familiar voice saying, "how about seeing the situation in a city now? Do you want to go back, one A wife who has been ravaged by my little brother thousands of times? "