In addition to a rather luxurious suite, the plane also has washrooms and bathing facilities. In the cabin, there is a small music hall, a pleasure lounge with huge screens on the floor and walls, a meeting room with touch-screen conference tables, a kitchen, a luxury bar, a complete communication system, and even a spa spa spa spa with marble, a small pharmacy, and parking spaces 。

In terms of security, the aircraft adopts the most advanced defense measures in the world, such as encrypting communication lines and even avoiding the impact of electromagnetic pulse caused by nuclear explosion.

In addition, air refueling equipment and anti ground to air system are added.

Luxury suites and Spa rooms are Li Hongyuan's absolute private places. But it seems that the spa has never been used.

There are not many people who know that their boss is coming here. Therefore, when he saw that he was holding a woman on the plane himself, his face couldn't be hidden. Especially for the individual women who had some small thoughts about Li Hongyuan, he almost lost his temper.

However, no one has ever been able to get close to the super single noble, and finally an exception? Is this woman too special, or has he finally opened a door? If it is the former, how lucky this woman should be. If it is the latter, does it mean that other people finally have the opportunity to get close to him?

Li Hongyuan didn't take care of these people at all. He directly carried Jing Wan into the suite and into the bathroom.

Although Jing Wan doesn't mind the image in front of her own man, she still dislikes her present self.

Li Hongyuan didn't serve jingwan personally. After all, after a long time of abstinence, every second will turn into a beast. Jingwan's current situation obviously does not allow a perfect love movement.

Jing Wan has slowed down mentally and ate again. It's much better. She's just a basic bath. After all, she's not suitable for too long, so she can finish it by herself.

After that, Li Hongyuan also took a very quick battle bath.

Maybe it's because she came in a hurry. Maybe it's someone's intention. Jing Wan has no clothes, because she has prepared a spa plan for her, so she wears Li Hongyuan's bathrobe.

The spa plan is specially prepared for Jing Wan's situation, which has great benefits for her recovery.

Originally, as the person in charge of the health club under Tang Yuan's name, he was an excellent technician who was suddenly called on to board the plane. There was an accident and an illusion that he should not have.

In the face of the woman whom Tang Yuan treats tenderly, all the fantasies are disillusioned.

A full set of spa, jingwan is often done in Qiyuan, professional technician's technique is very few, let people enjoy very much.

Li Hongyuan has been talking with Jing Wan in a low voice all the way. It seems that the beautiful technician, just like the mother once, has no sense of existence.

Although the beauty technician has seen Li Hongyuan for a limited number of times, he never looked like this. It's clear that he is deeply rooted in love. A few days ago, I heard people say how difficult it was for this man to engage in and how confused he was with his customs. He was in a trance for a while, lost his mind, and his strength was unconsciously heavy.

"Hiss", Jing Wan took a breath of cool air, "light."

The beauty technician was about to apologize, but she inadvertently gave Li Hongyuan a cold look, which seemed to be looking at a mole ant that could easily die, where there was a little bit of what she had just looked like. The beautiful technician shivered with fear, and all the beautiful ideas flew away, "Bo, boss, I'm sorry, i..."

Jingwan is also aware of something wrong. She opens her eyes and looks sideways. What? In this age of open marriage and open sex, this man will only attract more bees and butterflies. According to the principle of dealing with his own emotional enemies, well, there may be trouble in the future. "A yuan..."

When Li Hongyuan bowed his head, the horrible breath on his body disappeared naturally, and his fingertips slipped gently between jingwan's hair.

Jing Wan smiled and gestured to her back, "go ahead."

Three hours of flying capital, two hours spent on it. During this period, Li Hongyuan took some time to go out for lunch.

After that, it was really relaxing. Jing Wan met the people on the plane formally.

Although I still wear a bathrobe that doesn't fit me, my hair is well groomed.

Jing Wan took the porridge that the chef specially cooked for her and ate it with a spoon, then put it on the table in front of her.

Compared with Li Hongyuan's more casual sitting posture, she straightened her back, her legs were close to each other slightly to one side, looking dignified and elegant, and quite natural, which shows that this is not a temporary, but a daily habit. After lifting her eyes, she has a proper smile, indifferent eyes, which gives people the feeling that this is a noble, elegant, confident and calm woman , she is in a high position and can handle any situation.

It completely breaks the first impression of the assistant and the doctor that she is fragile and needs to be attached to a man like dodder flower to survive. Although the latter impression is fading, it is not as completely broken as it is now.

In the face of her, I would unconsciously want to hide my own bad things, just want him to see the best.

"Let me introduce myself. My surname is Ning, a single euphemism. At present, I'm your boss's girlfriend for the time being."

This sentence attracted the attention of a casual person, looked up at her, "if you want, get off the plane and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau."

"Step by step? It's nice to think about it. " Jing Wan gracefully blocks him back.

"Tut." Li Hongyuan was slightly dissatisfied, but he said nothing more. He continued to read his books idly.

After this period of time, they seem to have never been separated, old husband and wife, intimate, and occasionally mixed quarrels.

However, these people next to me were so surprised that they didn't know what to do. Their boss directly took a woman to get married, and the other side refused!

"I'm a bit complicated with your boss. It's impossible to tell you specifically. You just need to remember a little. We are the only one for each other. No one is allowed to step in, otherwise Well, in a society ruled by law, the dead are not Jingwan declares sovereignty.

Her smile is the same. It makes people feel cold all over, just like the cold eyes in the face of boss.

Nima, Mrs. boss can't be bothered. The danger level may still be above boss.

Their expression changed. Jing Wan did not see it. He transferred the topic lightly. Then in a few words, the atmosphere became relaxed.

"It's almost there. Hurry up and drink the porridge." Li Hongyuan opened his mouth without lifting his eyelids.

"Well, if you have something to do, you can do it at will. You can listen to some music, drink some wine, or watch a movie here."

After that, he no longer said anything. He took the gruel and ate it. The action was pleasing to the eyes.

Then, the other talents react to the short "talk" before. They seem to be completely led by her, including thoughts, including emotions. They are afraid to think carefully! Is this woman really the one they knew before? The difference is too big, clearly looking at the gentle and beautiful, this quiet ability is frightening.

Li Hongyuan glanced at them, and he could not deny that her daughter-in-law was actually very gentle. She was a woman who had been in charge of the world for more than ten years. She controlled the trend of a dynasty for decades. Yes, although she was basically out of charge later, the situation of Qiyuan was completely in her hands. These people, perhaps excellent in their own fields, were also in her hands It's very immature, and even the king of all fields, when facing a "King", he has to bow down and become a minister in the end.

After getting off the plane, Li Hongyuan took Jing Wan directly to the hospital and gave him a comprehensive examination.

Because it's a private hospital, with special channels, it will soon get the results, mainly due to malnutrition. In addition, excessive grief leads to some deficiency of Qi and blood, and other problems are nothing. Jing Wan's mood has eased now. In this way, he doesn't need to prescribe any medicine. What's left is to recuperate later.

Then I went back to Li Hongyuan's high-end mansion. I didn't plan to take Jing Wan back to my old mansion to see my parents now.

Jingwan is not surprised to see the ancient style mansion. In fact, the decoration on the plane can basically know someone's preference. Since he was influenced by being a king since he was a child, it's totally natural that he had such preference.

Although it is impossible to completely restore the ancient, but the modern elements are very ingenious, comfortable enough, low-key luxury, all without any sense of disobedience.

However, the overall feeling is still a little bit cold. It needs to be properly reformed.

Jingwan's move in shocked all the servants again without any accident.

Jingwan is very clear. For quite some time, she should face such a scene. After all, her current identity is too different from that of the other party. In addition, the other party has always belonged to the abstinence department. Suddenly, there is a close woman around her. How can it not be strange and not surprised? However, she is indifferent.

There is still some time to go to bed. Jing Wan goes to sleep for an hour.

When I came down from upstairs, there was a lot of movement downstairs.

Jingwan stood at the stairway on the second floor, looking down at the hall full of things, big and small boxes, some of them opened.

Jingwan suddenly thought of the scene when he was hired in Qiyuan. It was dazzling. Now, it seems that he would use these things to bury her? Tut, his way of treating people is as simple and crude as ever. In short, he wants to meet the best things in the world in front of each other.

Perhaps hearing the slight movement, Li Hongyuan turned around and held out his hand? How do you feel? "

As he opened his mouth and moved, the rest of them all calmed down and looked at the stairs.

I just woke up with a flush on my face, but I added some good looks.

Maybe they were greeted in advance, but the reaction of these people was not so great. Jing Wan was quite right in the face of the people's dim eyes. Even if she was wearing Li Hongyuan's clothes at the moment, she was not slow and calm. Go to the side of Li Hongyuan, put his hand on his hand, and sit down, "it's not bad, it's not a big problem. ——What is this for? How can I bring so many things? " Look at the clothes, handbags, shoes and other clothing related things.

"For your use, see for yourself. If you like it, you can stay. If you don't like it, you can change it. However, these ready-made clothes may not fit very well. The designers have called for them. In the future, they will use Gaoding directly. If Qiyuan's products are not satisfied, they will be customized abroad. Now these, you grievance point, make do with At the same time, a servant waved to Jing Wan and brought him a bowl of soup. He saw that there was no oil flower or even Cheng