Wang asked Liu Er some questions carefully, such as how she got the things that are not available in the backyard, who helped her, and how she knew the function of those things.

Maybe she knows that everything is the same to say and not to say. Liu Er completely knows nothing and answers whatever she asks. Even if she asks over and over again, she still speaks in a clear and orderly way without contradiction or omission.

In this way, it seems that none of the people behind need to be examined.

Wang is also going to punish liu'er severely and call for Ren Yazi directly. He is going to sell liu'er as a criminal slave.

However, at this time, liu'er's family suddenly rushed forward and knelt down in front of Zhang's, banging and kowtowing. "Madam, madam, you are merciful to save liu'er. Liu'er did a stupid thing because of you. She was branded as a slave. Liu'er's whole life will be over. Since she came to you, liu'er has been serving you wholeheartedly. Do you have the heart to let her be abused? Madam, madam, please, please

Zhang's "nature is innocent", soft and kind, easy to believe others, which is famous in the backyard of Luo's family.

These people seize this point and use it to know that she won't stand by. However, they also point out that if she doesn't help, she is mean and ungrateful. Originally, Zhang would take the initiative to help, and become forced to help for her reputation, which is totally different in nature. In this way, she can't help but be put on the fire.

Liu Er, who was calm at first, finally knew that she was afraid of being branded as a slave, and began to ask Zhang for help. She told her heart and said that she had no credit or hard work. She also stressed the reason why she did wrong again and again.

Zhang is ready to plead with old lady Luo for Liu Er, but these people don't give her a chance to talk at all, which makes her at a loss. They call them "don't knock, hurry up", but this doesn't work at all.

She still doesn't understand her situation. No matter how she does it, it's not good for her. If she doesn't save people, it doesn't need to be said. But if she saves people, even if she just asks for help, even if she can't achieve the goal, she pleads for the murderer who killed her husband's child. What's the matter? The husband's child can't compete with the inferior life of a servant? Or do you, Zhang, want to push the boat along the river and eradicate the dissident?

There must be a gap between Zhang and Luo Rongyan.

Jing Wan looks at it coldly, and more and more firmly believes that there must be articles in it, which will never be so simple. From the beginning to the end, the other side's purpose is to point to Zhang, and it is bound to stain her. If you can step on one foot more, you can step on it.

When others are focusing on the Zhang family and the Liu family, Jing Wan tries to find clues, not to mention other subtle differences. After all, Jing Wan can't read too much from a person's expression, even if he looks at people accurately, and is not a professional. However, she finally finds out that Kung Fu is good for people Something else. After a careful look at liu'er, she thought of another possibility. As for the result, she would know after a try.

"Enough, shut up."

The cry came to an abrupt end. Qi Qi looked at Jing Wan.

Jingwan, however, is as dark as when it first arrived. Jing Wan asked the general look at old lady Luo and Wang Shi, after they nodded their heads and agreed, she asked Liu er not anxiously: "like plum blossom?"

Liu Er didn't know, so she nodded truthfully and admitted that many people knew that she liked plum blossom. Many of her personal things like embroidering plum blossom. "I like it."

"My father likes gold and stone more than flowers and trees, but he loves plum blossom."

"Three girls, don't spit out blood. There are many people in the world who like plum blossom. Can only the second master like it?" Liu er's tone is blunt and quick, and her attitude is fierce, which makes her tongue crack.

"I just said something irrelevant. What are you in a hurry?"