"Taishi, Tianyuan. The universe, the human body. Both of them are so wonderful... "

in these incredible changes, Hanyu Xiaotian suddenly felt that the universe and stars in his mind and the various organizations of his body began to have some indescribable connections...

in this exploration and understanding, I do not know when Han Yu Xiaotian had a close relationship with the" Taishi Tianyuan book " Some strange patterns and words, also began to understand bit by bit.

Slowly, in awe, with the constant interpretation of "Taishi Tianyuan book" and the continuous understanding of the mysteries of the universe and the human body, Hanyu Xiaotian is addicted to it...

the enlightenment does not know the years.

Just when Han Yu Xiaotian was at the bottom of the sin domain and began to understand the infinite mysteries of heaven and earth and human body, outside the sin domain, the whole human Union and state quietly began to turn violently because of the news spread out...


the galaxy.

Holy wheel star.

The Cathedral of Saint Louis in the Western Union.

"What? Is the Oriental warrior God dead? Is the news true? "

At the moment, a cardinal of the Western Union's Crusade, with a holy light all over his body, asked in a startled voice from below, as if God had descended into the world.

However, at this time, his expression was extremely frightened, and his voice trembled slightly, revealing an indescribable breath.


"my lord bishop, this is what the Lawrence family, who has just returned from the desolate battlefield, said by himself. It should not be wrong. And according to what he said, the Oriental warrior God pulled the whole desolate battlefield to destroy together. At the same time, Dongfang Xuri, the patriarch of the Oriental family of China, also died... "

at the beginning of the cardinal's hand, an old man wearing a sacrificial robe and holding a white and silver Scepter was respectfully reporting. However, from his slightly shaking shoulders, it can also be seen that the man is not as calm as he is at the moment.

"Lawrence... That's right. Their family has always been the most faithful believer of the Lord. In this way, the Oriental warrior God of China is really dead... "

hearing the name" Lawrence ", the cardinal's eyes were shocked again.


"yes, your honor, the cardinal, Lawrence has already said that Haotian City, the chief executive of our Western alliance, has rushed to the Holy See to report to his holiness in person."

The sacrificial ceremony of holding the scepter once again affirmed.

"It's a strange fire... Well, in this case, it seems that the glory of our Lord of the cross will soon be able to shine on more regions...

let's inform you that the bishops, priests, priests, elders, warriors, warlocks, and sons of our Crusades will start to retract and stand by from today...

well, we will also inform the Arbitration Office of the order With the sound of words, a burst of light shining all over the Cathedral of Saint - tis, and then, the figure of the cardinal has disappeared...


Nathan star.

A huge and magnificent building beyond the imagination of mankind is standing.

Here is the headquarters of the hand of God, the most powerful gene warrior organization in M.

At this time, in this huge and magnificent temple, several figures are sitting in each other.

"Storm, is that true? The Oriental warrior God of China was destroyed together with the desolate battlefield

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. At that time, the Oriental warrior God was in the final stage of the decline of heaven and man. He had been in his life for a long time. Later, after all of us withdrew, he used an extremely terrifying ancient martial art way to destroy the whole desolate battlefield together. "

"One move, destroy a plane space... Is Huaxia Wushen really so powerful? No wonder it is so strong that many human strongmen are afraid of it only by one person, and even more, they can not hold their heads..."

one of these people is the general storm of Haotian City which has just returned from the desolate battlefield.

And sitting side by side are the top echelons of the hand of God organization, and even more powerful than the 100 level gene warriors of the storm...


"it is hard to imagine that the ancient martial arts could have such a power, which is even more terrifying than the improvement of human essential power brought by our M gene reagent..."

"however, storm, the alien base you brought back this time Because of reagents and samples, the combat power of my M gene warrior will be greatly improved. It is believed that in the near future, M's status and discourse power in the United States of mankind should be adjusted... "

" yes, the genetic nature of those alien races is so much higher than that of human beings... As we continue to decipher their gene codes, from today on, we will enter the blowout era of rapid improvement of our strength! "

"Well, with the death of Dongfang Wushen, it is time for some people and forces to take up their positions again. This may be a rare opportunity for us, M..."...

the sky shines big star.

Heaven. The headquarters of the emperor.

On this planet, no other people and forces can get involved in it. It is the unique planet of the people of heaven and the emperor.

It is also the only planet that converges heaven. Emperor Tianzhao, Fengmo, Xuewu and Huoying are the four major royal families in the imperial dynasty...


"is the Oriental warrior God really dead?"

"No doubt. All the powerful human beings who have returned from the desolate battlefield have witnessed this with their own eyes

"At the same time, the head of the Oriental family and the strong men of the first family of China died. Now, there is no first family in China anymore..."

"moreover, the abyss king of abdika has directly detained the Han Yu Xiaotian of China..."

at this time, these people are from the top of the four royal families in the imperial dynasty On the body, all exudes the secret power fluctuation which is no less than the Chinese ancient martial super strong.


"Hanyu Xiaotian? Is that Huaxia boy who repeatedly destroys the good things of abdoga and us? "

"Yes, it is said that at that time, many powerful Chinese people, such as the eastern holy mark, still wanted to resist, but under the suppression of the king of the abyss and others, they had no choice but to retreat..."

"well, this man is indeed a troublesome figure in the future of China, and more likely a stumbling block to the future of the imperial court. It is said that he showed extremely evil talent and strength in the desolate battlefield... "

" why didn't the Lord of the abyss directly kill this man? "

"Maybe the abyss king has his own consideration. At that time, there were more than a million strong Chinese coming out of the desolate battlefield, and the strong men of other parties and the other two chief generals were watching. Even the king of the abyss did not dare to act arbitrarily. "

"On the other hand, according to the reports of secret spies planted in various places by the emperor, this Hanyu Xiaotian is actually the inventor of the new Chinese talisman.

At the same time, he invented some "talisman" comparable to the magic weapon in the desolate battlefield. The Lord of the abyss seized it, which may also be to obtain the mystery of the new-type talisman and talisman from this person... "
