"Han Yu Fu pattern master, if his Fu Wen master, is a new type of talisman developed by us in China. It is said that it was created by Master Wang Ruoqi. We also have a few in the Shenbing hall. "

"I've never thought of it as an old talisman, but I've never been able to identify it like this."

"Although its power is not as good as that of normal soldiers, it is easy to learn and greatly reduces the difficulty of characterization. If the real energy is produced, it will be immeasurably helpful to the overall improvement of the strength of human warriors. Wang Ruoqi's Fu master is really a talent of heaven and longitude...

not to mention the awe inspiring eyes of people looking at Hanyu Xiaotian and Xiaohei at the moment, Bai Zongguan Zheng and Hanyu Xiaotian and Wang Ruoqi of Shenbing hall come to a magic army and say, and their eyes are also amazing Looking at Wang Ruoqi with admiration.

This new type of talisman is exactly the one that Wang Ruoqi, Gusu Xiaoxiao and others described after they went to Haotian City, the desolate battlefield. It was collected and sold by Shenbing hall.

The general manager Bai, who was very familiar with the talisman pattern of the magic weapon, naturally knew the real value of the new type of magic weapon, so that he could express his great admiration for Wang Ruoqi, who developed the new type of magic weapon.

However, he did not know that the person who really invented the new type of magic weapon was Hanyu Xiaotian...


"well, manager Bai, the new type of talisman is still under development... And it is not suitable for the top strong..."

after Wang Ruoqi took a look at the new type of talisman, he didn't say anything, just shook his head and said.

"If the master is polite. By the way, Han Yu Fu Wen master, I was lucky to see some of the talismans you repaired. "

"The mystery of heaven and earth contained in the talisman pattern is absolutely the most profound and perfect rune that I have ever seen since I worked. I also bought a treasure of Zhendian as the Shenbing Hall... This is it..."

manager Bai pointed to another magic weapon nearby and said to Han Yu with a smile.

This magic weapon is a sword like weapon with top four ranks. It is also a magic weapon that Han Yu Xiaotian once repaired for Luo Nan and other special team members in the Fu Wen temple.

It turns out that, as the director of the Shenbing palace, he had already known that hanyu Xiaotian had already done everything possible to find the Luonan special team, and paid a high price to buy a magic soldier as a treasure of the town hall.

Originally, a four grade top level magic weapon is not enough to become the treasure of the Shenbing hall.

However, from the perspective of the perfect depiction of the heaven and earth talisman pattern, this magic weapon is rare in the whole Shenbing hall. It is highly respected by the general manager Bai and received by him.


"Oh, I have an impression..."

seeing this magic weapon from his own hands, Han Yu smiles and says.

At the same time, when he heard that the white manager of the Shenbing hall took his own four grade magic soldiers as the object of the town hall, Han Yu laughed at the sky and felt disappointed.

Even his own work can be regarded as the treasure of Zhendian. It seems that there is no good magic weapon in this magic weapon hall.

"Well, manager Bai, are there any other high-grade magic soldiers in the Shenbing hall?"

Seeing that the white manager always introduces some magic weapons related to him, Han Yu Xiaotian can't help but turn the subject aside and ask...

in this way, he can not help but ask