Three minutes later ~

"Noland, Christina, and gergill... Look at my memory, and I'll tell you if we've met... Well, you're from the Department of powers at evank University. I remember you'll roll your eyes..."

when someone said his name to Hanyu Xiaotian, Hanyu Xiaotian finally remembered what happened in those years.

Noland, the proud man of the Noland family of the Western alliance on the planet Nigu, was the top e power at that time. He ranked 13th in the Department of powers of evank University, which is as famous as singham University.

It has three powerful powers: body of steel, blue eye, ten times of infinite gravity!

When Han Yu Xiaotian had dinner with Wang Ruoqi and Su Wanrong at the brilliant Hotel, they had a conflict with Noland and and others because of Su Wanrong's friend Jiang Lanxin.

At last, Noland proposed to have a discussion with Hanyu Xiaotian. As a result, Hanyu Xiaotian was absolutely unstoppable in the contest, which let Noland and, Jiang Lanxin and others know what's going on in the sky and there's someone out there...

looking back on this past, Hanyu Xiaotian has some feelings...


roll your eyes ~

hear Han Yu Xiaotian again His "green eye" ability is called "rolling eyes". Noland couldn't help laughing bitterly, but then he looked at Hanyu Xiaotian ~

"well, after that, I realized that I was like a frog at the bottom of a well. After I went back, I gave up all my foreign affairs to my family and practiced hard. I made a great breakthrough in my strength. Now, I have become a level C Power... "

when Noland said that he was a" level C power person ", his eyes flashed, and a strange energy fluctuated slightly.

Two years ago, Noland was only the peak power of level E, equivalent to the master of Huaxia FanJie.

However, after only two years of Kung Fu, he has grown from e-level peak ability to C-level ability, which is equivalent to the peak ancient warrior of yellow stage in China. This shows how much effort he has made.

And not only he, but also Christina, gergill and others who are following him have made great progress and their strength has risen rapidly.


at this moment, when they meet Hanyu Xiaotian again, they naturally have a sense of war in their heart ~

however, when they see Hanyu Xiaotian, Noland and and others are still very calm ~

in their perception, the young man in white in front of them at this time, just like two years ago, still appears People and animals are harmless, elegant and dust-free.

However, in Hanyu Xiaotian's body, Noland and others feel a breath of unspeakable.

That kind of feeling, just like what they are facing, is not a beautiful young man who appears in front of them, but a super strong person standing on top of nine days and at another level...


"a little... Not quite right ~

How can I have this feeling? It's impossible... My strength has improved so much. How can I see that he has no courage to make a move? "

At the moment of seeing Hanyu Xiaotian, Noland, who had been studying hard for two years, had some impulse to have a discussion again, but now, he is suddenly a little suspicious ~

is it that after he has made so much progress, the strength of the boy who was two years ago has not been reduced, but has increased...
