"No, no, my body ~"

"my strength is losing! What on earth is that figure? "

"My body is afraid? How is that possible? I'm losing my power


in their astonished eyes, the king of Bone Demon and the king of Warcraft wanted to rush towards the direction of Hanyu Xiaotian to prevent him from destroying the achievements he had been lucky to achieve for decades.

However, they found that outside Hanyu Xiaotian's body, the way seemed to penetrate the whole world. They were like mice seeing cats, and their bodies couldn't move at all!

It seems to be a kind of soul crushing.

These people in the new human alliance, in fact, are like bone demons. The cells in the body are more or less integrated into the soul power of living beings.

Only in this way can the king of Warcraft achieve the perfect symbiosis of half human and half animal genes, and the king of machine can combine human cell tissue with biological colonization armor to make the monsters of the experimental objects grow like this ~

but now, all the soul power in this space seems to be under the omnipotent figure and its obscure scriptures The purification, the transcendence.

This also makes them can only watch their own strength elapse, internal problems continue to appear in the body and can not move at all.


a few minutes later ~

"ah, no, my body tissue and animal gene are broken, and I... my body cells are engulfed by animal cells! Researcher Sun Lin, help me

The half of King Warcraft's monstrous body had already been recovered, but under an invisible invisible force, something was happening inside his body, which made him feel extremely scared.

The powerful super animal gene was originally symbiotic with his human gene, but now, under an inexplicable force, the power that dominates the balance between human and animal genes suddenly disappears!

Then, that fierce and savage animal gene cells, even began to devour his cells belonging to human beings!

In the eyes of researcher Sun Lin and other scholars, the half of the human body of the king of Warcraft at this time began to transform into an animal form ~

only a moment later, it was completely transformed into a real monster!

However, this monster is different from the ordinary animal man in that all the cells belonging to human, including the brain nerve cells, have been completely engulfed by the animal gene.

And this irreversible change makes it impossible for the king of Warcraft to become a human again. From then on, he is just a fierce, unconscious monster...

"ah! Not good! My cells are also beginning to be engulfed by colonizing machine cells! No... researcher Sun Lin, help me

After the demon beast king, the mechanical king also began to cry for help from researcher sun Lin.

However, without waiting for the other party to act, just in an instant, like the king of Warcraft, the king of machine has become a cold machine without any human consciousness...

"ow ~"

the most powerful Bone Demon King among the three, at this time, also issued the same anguish, bursts of black gas from its white skeleton above the black eye socket, and joint cracks In the black air, the originally fierce ghost howling sound seems to be purified in a twinkling of an eye. It is calm and serene. It is free from evil feelings and dissipates quietly...

in the dark ai