If Hanyu Xiaotian is just a huangjie, then Hanyu Xiaotian will hand over the Prajna of reality to the ancient family, and the ancient wind may think that he may be climbing up to the ancient family.

But just now, he has learned about the terrible and even terrible talent of Hanyu Xiaotian, and such people will not care about the attitude of the ancient family.

This makes him more grateful to Hanyu Xiaotian.

Of course, Hanyu Xiaotian also understood this. He accepted the gift of the ancient style safely, and then said, "you are welcome. All this is a coincidence. Or in Buddhist language, it is fate and cause and effect. One gathering and one dispersing, one gain and one loss are all the reasons. "

"I can't imagine that the little friend of Hanyu can also master the Buddhist methods of ancient China! Do you have any understanding of Prajna? "

When he heard Hanyu Xiaotian's words, Gu Feng couldn't help brightening up. He didn't expect that hanyu Xiaotian talked about Buddhism after showing Taoism's Taiji and star universe.

Han Yu said with a smile, "although I haven't studied the Dharma of Buddhists and Prajna deeply, I have some knowledge about it.

In the fourth time, Buddha said many sutras and different Dharma, so it has the name of eight parts.

According to the thirty-one volumes of Sanzang Dharma in the Ming Dynasty, there are eight prajnas.

The first is the great Prajna. The five connotations, the eighteen realms and the thirty-seven virtues of the Buddha's speech are all born from six paramita. The Prajna paramita is the largest, the best and the first. The other five degrees are not named paramita if they are not guided by Prajna. With its volume more, it is called the great Prajna.

The second is the small Prajna, which is the same as the big one. It is called Xiaopin Prajna because it has less volume.

When the Buddha enters Samadhi, he radiates light from the thousand spokes of his feet, up to the bun and the pores, and radiates the light all over the Ten Kingdoms. He speaks this sutra for Bodhisattvas, so it is called Guangguang Prajna.

Light praises Prajna, light means light; praise means speaking. From the root of the Buddha's tongue, countless lights shine on the three thousand realms. In the light, numerous golden lotus flowers appear naturally. On the lotus flowers, there are various Buddhas speaking about this sutra, so it is called guangzan Prajna.

The doctrine of Prajna is called Prajna of Taoism, which makes all living beings happy when they hear about it, spread and tell each other, learn from it, and achieve Taoism.

Vajra Prajna, with the nature of Vajra, is extremely strong and beneficial. It can break the hard to break and break all things. It is a metaphor for the empty wisdom of Prajna, which can break the puzzles of all sentient beings, so it is called Vajra Prajna.

Shengtian Wang Prajna is called shengtianwang Prajna.

Manjusri asked Prajna, which is called Manjusri asking Prajna because of Manjusri teacher's questions... "


when Hanyu finished laughing, he saw that the ancient style and Zhuang Yifan's eyes were full of brilliance, and a touch of horror appeared in his eyes.

Hanyu Xiaotian just said, again some out of their imagination.

The method of ancient Chinese Buddhism has been lost for a long time.

Even the ancient Prajna family has only inherited one or two of them, which is far from complete.

They originally thought that the young man in front of them was just gifted and understood the profound meaning early. But in other aspects, because of their age limit, they may not be able to make many achievements.

But just now Hanyu Xiaotian said, it is even they have not heard of, is to break their cognition.

The ancient wind words a little excited said: "cold feather Taoist friend, don't know what you just said... Where to see?"

"Oh? From books, of course. "

Hanyu Xiaotian was a little surprised at first, but he also immediately wanted to understand what.