Hanyu Xiaotian is obviously not adapted to the method of breaking and analyzing the talisman patterns that suddenly appears in front of him, so this is a bit out of place.

However, what he didn't know was that the future would be full of his student life, not just calculation and analysis!

Mathematics, philosophy, energetics, composition, matter science, space geometry, fluid mechanics...

Han Yu Xiaotian's tragic student era has just begun.

"Students, applied differential is an extremely old discipline. It is a branch of mathematics used to study the graphic properties of curves and surfaces in three-dimensional Euclidean space. It originated in the 17th century of the earth age almost at the same time as calculus.

The geometric image of a single variable function is a curve, and its derivative is the slope of the tangent line of the curve. In geometry, the integral of a function can be understood as the area under a curve and so on. The application of calculus to the study of curves and surfaces is essentially the beginning of differential geometry... "


" philosophy can be regarded as a scale.

The function of this scale is to search for the essence of reason and the relationship between self existence and other beings in the world from the perspective of rational existence itself.

Philosophy is meta knowledge and Neo Confucianism. The task of philosophy is to grasp the real world at the level of meta theory, to synthesize the many into one or to divide the one into many. Both one and many are meta principles. Yuan Li should also be clearly expressed and systematically constructed, so that it can be applied to explain the world or guide practice.

Philosophy is meta theory, science, metaphysics and art. It is principle, method and fact. In the research of Fu Wen, what I want to emphasize to you is that thinking determines everything!

Only thinking can determine whether you can finally understand the rune and where you can go in the future. So don't ignore the importance of philosophy! "


"do you really think you know the universe?

So I can tell you responsibly, it's a big mistake. Now I'm going to explain to you what the universe is like as we see it.

First of all, many exoplanets that we have discovered so far belong to giant gas planets, which are often several times the size of Jupiter, and are in orbit very close to the stars. Spitzer Space Telescope has found a planet with a surface temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius, bathing in the terrible heating jet of stars all year round

Kepler-78b is about 400 light-years away. It is very close to earth and may have an iron core. Such similar features do not guarantee that the planet is habitable. Instead, it is under the control of the fire devil of the star.

Lian * Bang found that the mysterious extraterrestrial liquid flowed out from the surface of cancer 55. There may be a huge amount of material inside this super earth. Because it is very close to the star, there is almost no complete surface on the surface, resulting in the liquid under the surface seeping out.

Gliese1214b is a living cooking planet. The strong pressure makes the planet like a planetary pressure cooker. If you enter this planet, you will soon experience the feeling of being in the pressure cooker.

In ancient legends, the aurora is the soul of the dead, just like in a world full of Aurora, what kind of scene is it? As early as 200 years in the Galactic calendar, scientists have discovered an extragalactic planet with Aurora scattered throughout the planet, which is 100 to 1000 times brighter than the aurora of the earth.

Psoj318.5-22 is a very free world, because it is out of the control of the stars and floats freely in the universe. However, scientists believe that it may be a failed star. In short, psoj318.5-22 is a "lone ranger..."

