Yes, these are the skills I learned in the army. In such a bad environment, I have to maintain my physical strength and save my Qi as much as possible to cope with the uncertainties in the future.

Now I should be much better than you both in physical fitness and Qi retention.

Well, it's not that I don't teach you, but these things can't be learned in just a few days, and it's a waste of energy and energy. I hope you can understand. "

Seeing Xu Tianlin's lips turned purple with cold, and then looking at himself, these people's faces remained ruddy with genuine Qi. Everyone's heart also had some fluctuations.

Xu Tianlin then said: "but you can try to keep the pace of walking smoothly, which can also make you save energy as much as possible.

Well, the area of this wilderness is not small, but the geology of the place where we first appeared was a little soft.

But along the way, the geology under our feet has been gradually hardening, which shows that we are not far from the edge of the wilderness.

If we stick to it, we should go out soon. "

With that, Xu Tianlin turned around and went on to the set direction.

Chu Yihan and Hanyu Xiaotian follow without any hesitation. This time, Liu Dai and Shangguan Qingwu no longer talk. They also follow Xu Tianlin's walking rhythm.

Xu Tianlin once again used facts to prove that in such an environment, he is really the best candidate for captain.

Another hour passed before I knew it.

"Gee, look ahead, we are really coming out!"

As if she had found something, Liudai was the first to call out.

Following Liu Dai's eyes, people looked up, and a mountain range and trees loomed in front of them.

For a moment, even Chu Yihan and Shangguan Qingwu were a little excited, and they finally walked out of the silent wilderness which would make people despair.

Hanyu Xiaotian is the same.

In fact, from the beginning of this strange environment, Hanyu Xiaotian released his divine consciousness, but I don't know why, it seems that there are some restrictions on his divine consciousness.

He felt that his divine sense would be lost much more here than in normal circumstances.

After a long journey, Hanyu Xiaotian has no physical problems.

However, the consumption of divine consciousness was a little excessive, so he simply put away his divine consciousness, which also led to his failure to discover the change of environment in advance.

When Hanyu Xiaotian approached, they saw a dark jungle.

Standing on the edge of the jungle, Xu Tianlin seemed to feel some dangerous breath, as if something was watching them.

Illusion? Or is it really dangerous?

But they finally came out of the wilderness and came here. Can't they go back the same way again?

The unknown really makes people hesitant, but since they have chosen here, they can't regret it when it comes to the end.

"Go in!"

Xu Tianlin waved his hand and then walked into the jungle first.

The trees in this jungle are not tall, but there are still some within a few meters. There are many strange vegetation that people can't name. If there is no sound, people can't help but be alert.

"Why, what is that?"

Chu Yihan happened to turn his head to look around, and found that not far away, there were two red dots flickering and floating, and there was a faint sound of low barking, which was approaching in the direction of the people.