Chapter 519: Nicole Robin who moved Lin Yi

After listening to Nicole Robin's words, Lin Yi was slightly silent, but he was deeply moved. It was for their ship that Nicole Robin took the initiative to expose his whereabouts, so how could Lin Yi not be moved in his heart.

The hand that was just resting on Nicole Robin’s scented shoulders slowly fell, and placed it on Nicole Robin’s willow waist and held her tightly. A faint smile flashed in Nicole Robin’s eyes, letting him go. Lin Yi hugged herself tightly, and even more forcefully buried her head in this man's arms.

"Don't do this again next time!" Lin Yi said softly: "The news that you appeared in the Water City should soon be sent back to Judicial Island and even the world government will not guarantee that they will not come and search."

"As long as I am not sending a large force to destroy the Water City directly, I am hidden here and no one can find me, and they should not have thought that I did not leave immediately after being discovered, but stayed here instead." Nicole Robin said:

"Not to mention the presence of my master captain, my safety is guaranteed the most. How could these young people hurt me!"

"I now find that people who read a lot are better at flattering. When did you learn it?" Lin Yi said.

"I'm telling the truth." Nicole Robin said with a hint of mischief in her grace.

"Look, the sea train is about to leave soon, and it seems that the task of cp9 is about to be completed!" Lin Yi said, standing on a high place, looking at the upcoming sea train.

"Their task is to get the design drawings of Pluto. Julie just met by chance. She is not easy. Although she was not offered a reward at the age of eight like me, she was not much better. She was offered a reward when she was a teenager. It was also charged with unreasonable charges.

The reward was not low at the beginning, just because she wanted to create an existence comparable to ancient weapons, she was also given a bad luck. "Nicole Robin said.

"Do you think she sees her past? Seems familiar, but I think Karp’s grandson shouldn’t be too bad. I saw him last time. It’s very similar to Karp, so Julie can’t hesitate. The Straw Hat Pirates who traded themselves for their safety shouldn't let her down." Lin Yi said.

"Then it is unknown. There is a big horror between life and death. This time it is just the beginning of facing the world government. What they are facing is only cp9. If they can't get through this level or they don't have the courage to give up As far as his companions are concerned, then they will not be far on the Great Waterway, so he is not worthy of being Karp’s grandson."

Lin Yi said:

"Don't talk about them, it's their business anyway, let's go and see the iceberg first, since you have appeared in front of her and saved him, it's time to talk in person." Lin Yi said.

"Yeah!" Nicole Robin nodded and said, "Aren't you afraid of being seen by him?"

"It doesn’t matter if you see it. The iceberg will know immediately when this ship goes out to sea. Rather than being known to be me by that time, it’s better to let him know now, and since you saved him, you will be treated to his character. Sex should have a certain understanding. I believe he will know what he should do to be the best."

At this time, Bingberg experienced the attack of cp9, although because of Nicole Robin’s rescue, and cp9, they did not intend to kill Bingberg at all, but only severely inflicted him. After all, the Pluto design is not in the hands of Bingberg, then the iceberg is no longer It's their goal, plus they already know who owns the design, so of course the cp9 style will no longer be a killer under the iceberg.

But they knew very little about Rob Lucy, and the situation was so urgent at the time. Who knows if cp9 will temporarily change their minds and kill the iceberg, so Nicole Robin just took the shot and went down the iceberg.

The Bingberg that was attacked was seriously injured but was arranged in a tight place to protect it, but for Lin Yi and the others, it was completely easy to enter without disturbing anyone.

After entering the room, Lin Yi and the others no longer hide. The very sensitive Bingberg who had just been injured immediately noticed something, opened his eyes full, and found that there was a man and a woman in his ward sitting on chairs and looking at him.

"Nicole Robin!" Bingshan reacted immediately when he saw Nicole Robin. She had saved him just now. Although I don't know why, he was indeed saved by Nicole Robin.

"I'm sorry, Mayor Bingshan came to bother you in training after you were injured." Lin Yi said, "But since I'm here, of course, I can't run for nothing, so I just stopped by and looked at you. Although I was seriously injured, my physique was good because I was a boatman. Even if I became a mayor, my physique hasn't been reduced for many years. I still have this spirit to support you and talk to me."

"Who are you? Are you Nicole Robin's companion?" Bingshan asked suspiciously, is it the idea of ​​a design? It's no wonder Bingberg thinks so. He didn't expect CP9 to hide under his nose for so many years and he hadn't noticed it for so many years, and it was all people he trusted.

They came for the purpose of designing Pluto, and Nicole Robin is a person who understands the text of history, so it is normal for Bingberg to be so skeptical at this time, and cp9 was not so skeptical before.

"That's right, I think Mayor Bingshan, you should be thinking about whether we are going to make a design drawing. If this is the case, you can rest assured that I am not interested in the design drawing on your body. I will come here this time. To bother you, I hope you can help me build a ship."

"Build a ship? If that's the case, you can go to my company." Bingberg is still very vigilant. At this time, he is surrounded by strong guards, but the two men easily sneaked into this place, and Nicole Robin before She was also chased by cp9, so Nicole Robin could safely retreat and reappear here under the powerful cp9. It seemed that the people around her were not simple.

"I think you have misunderstood what I mean. The boat I want to build is not an ordinary boat." Lin Yi shook his head.