Chapter 67: Qi and blood

"I will try my best to temper my qi and blood. Mom, I need a lot of nutrition," said ruthlessly.

"Saying so much in the end is not meant to take advantage of me." Tsunade said with a blushing face, doesn't the so-called mass nutrition come from her?

"Who made you my mother?" He spit out a word with no expression on his face. In fact, his heart was slightly rippling. After all, the relationship between him and Tsunade has become a bit unusual since that time. , But after thinking about what might happen to Konoha next, he suppressed all these thoughts.

In this world, everything depends on strength. Otherwise, he might have died in the hands of the Hyuga Family and Gen. Ninja will become more and more dangerous in the future. Even Tsunade’s strength may not be able to handle it, so he To continue to have all of this, rely on strength to defend.

"For a month, I believe that my blood will go further beyond the limits." Standing ruthlessly under a waterfall, bearing the terrifying force of the waterfall from top to bottom, there are no rocks under his feet, just a river, relying on the use of chakras. Standing on the river forcibly requires a lot of chakras and it tests control.

Thinking of this ruthlessly, I couldn’t help but start the fusion of water and fire chakras. Under the envelopment of qi and blood, the two chakras merged into one, and the three no longer distinguished each other. The qi and blood in the ruthless body suddenly boiled with a very unique frequency When it shook, the bones and bones of the whole body and the bone marrow began to change, and the temperature of the body became higher and higher.

But after reaching a certain level, it stabilized and landed back, and then ascended again, higher than the other time, but each time it would fall back accurately, repeating itself again and again.

While training ruthlessly and arduously, different people in different places around Konoha Village also conducted different training. Naruto Uzumaki met one of the three ninjas, Jiraji, and began to learn psychic techniques and control the nine tails. Chakra, and Rock Lee, under the guidance of Metkay, tried to take Hachimon Dunjia one step further, in order to have greater capital to defeat Sasuke Uchiha and then fight Ruthlessly.

Because he knew from Metkai that Sasuke Uchiha is following Kakashi in his training, Kakashi is likely to pass on his unique skills to him. It is not necessarily because of Sasuke’s talent and Kakashi’s teachings. Once he learns it It is indeed possible that the strength will be greatly improved in an instant, and it is difficult for anyone to make others a genius and possess a strong blood line limit plus a great teacher.

So Li Luoke did not bother because he entered the official game, but worked harder, because he knew that luck is also important in addition to strength in the official game.

"Hinata, did you really decide to quit?" Yurihong said while looking at Hinata. To be honest, she was also very proud of her. The newcomer took the Zhongnin exam and his group actually entered the official competition. , And her group of results in the second death forest exam actually ranked second, which can be said to make her face greatly improved.

"Well, the pre-selection based on my strength is already at the limit. In the official game, my current strength is not enough." Hinata nodded. She quit after careful consideration. The opponents behind are not at the same level as her. What she needs most now is to recognize herself and then make up for her own shortcomings instead of blindly acting.

Being brave and looking for death is often just a difference. Being able to recognize one's abilities is also a kind of ability, and being able to give up decisively is also an advantage.

"But even though I gave up the official competition, I asked Teacher Hong to continue to instruct me. I want to become stronger and pass the competition with real strength next time." Although Hinata Hyuga's voice is small, it carries a kind of from the past. Unprecedented firmness and perseverance.

Although she intends to give up the competition, she does not intend to give up her forbearance, she will exercise herself more hard.

"Okay, you deserve to be my disciple of Yurihong, I will definitely try my best to train you into an excellent ninja, let the Hyuga family and your father know that they underestimate you." Yurihong was satisfied, but she didn't expect Hinata, who was always unconfident, and weak and weak, turned back so big. She didn't care about the fact that Hinata gave up the game, but rather appreciated it.

Because Hinata is decisive enough to recognize himself, sometimes it takes a step back, but the sky is brighter, and if you force to continue walking, it will only be a great abyss. Now Hinata recognizes that he knows that he is lucky, and has given up the game even more hard. You have a clear goal to train yourself, and it is strange that Xi Rihong is not happy.

Under the invisible competition of each other, one month was not short at first, but now it is passing quickly.

In a river with a waterfall, a figure stood under the waterfall and was subjected to the impact of the waterfall. His eyes were closed tightly. The person who placed the Buddha and was hit by the waterfall was not like him, but if there is a breathable mirror. You will find that the flow of blood in his body is almost as fast as the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, surging endlessly.

It was extremely turbulent, as if it was about to cover the waterfall above, rolling up with a bang and bang.

"It's been three hours since the ruthless stop. This time is the longest time he has tempered his vitality and blood. There won't be any problems." Silent stood not far away and looked at the unchanging man under the waterfall, not knowing when. Although Ruthless was still a twelve-year-old boy, he seemed to possess the stability and calmness that a mature man possessed.

"Nothing will happen. Listen carefully. Except for the sound of the waterfall, the blood in his body is also rushing. It is like a torrent of blood. How could something happen to such a strong vitality? He should be at a critical point now. Tens of days of tempering is equal to accumulation. Today, these accumulations are used to hit this critical point. What we can do is not let anyone disturb him." Tsunade said calmly.

I haven't stopped tempering Qi and blood for 30 days. It can be said that he is completely involved in it. Quenching Qi and blood consumes a lot of chakras. Of course, it also needs a huge supplement. So Tsunade basically can't do without the ruthless half-step. When the ruthless consumption was huge, she walked over and untied her clothes, letting ruthless bury her head in her stalwart, and left again after dozens of minutes, and after recovering from seven to eight, she would be ruthless to devote herself to training.

Of course, he didn't stop other training, but it was handed over to the shadow clone to carry out. As the main body, he did his best to excavate and explore the boundary of the blood.