Sheng Chuxi picks up his mobile phone.

It's the pay for being a sworn enemy and becoming a brother and sister.

Sheng Chuxi did not transfer into the financial account, but made a phone call.


"Miss Sheng?" The voice over there was very warm. "I haven't been in touch for a long time. How are you doing?"

Sheng Chuxi smiled: "very good. I saw the follow-up report of the last donation. The funds have been implemented and helped those in need. I am very relieved to give you the money."

"This is the meaning of our existence. Miss Sheng, please rest assured that our work will only get better and better, and we will never let you donors down."

Shengchuxi: "I see that you are setting up a mountain women's care project recently, but there is still a funding gap of threemillion yuan. I happen to have a sum of money here. Later, I will ask my assistant to go to your place to handle the donation procedures."

There was a long pause.

When he spoke again, he was so excited that he was incoherent.

"Thank you, thank you, Miss Sheng! Thank you, Miss Sheng! I, for those who need help, thank you, Miss Sheng! You, you are really a good man!"

After hanging up, Sheng Chuxi contacted Tiantian.

Soon after returning to Sheng's house, her parents transferred a large amount of assets to her name, and grandpa gave her almost all his assets. Usually, her father, mother and brothers would give her some pocket money from time to time, starting with six figures.

She specially hired a professional financial manager. Without moving the principal, the income alone would be enough for ordinary expenses, and there was still a lot of surplus.

Therefore, she wants to use her own money to do something meaningful.

At that time, she donated the remuneration for her first play to Shancun along with the crew. Afterwards, she went to that mountain village, and the villagers' lives were indeed greatly improved by their donations. The girl named Erya, who was subsidized at that time, was also admitted to a good junior high school in the county with excellent results.

Seeing this, her heart was full of happiness.

Since then, almost all of her film and television earnings have been donated to various charitable organizations. However, except for the public donations due to work needs, the rest are in the form of anonymity. The other party only knows her surname Sheng, not her first name.

No one knew about her donation except those close to her.

"I see, sister Xi."

After hanging up with hotada, Sheng Chuxi feels hungry.

It must be that the amount of exercise during the fighting practice just now is too large. Go down and have something to eat.

Thinking so, Sheng Chu Xi came out of the room.

As soon as I came to the stairs, I saw a familiar figure sitting in the living room——

Ji Qingzhan is smiling and talking to Wang Wen.

Her body froze in an instant, and her mind involuntarily came up with what had happened in Aloha

At that time, she did not know how long her brain had been blank. After the reaction, he ran back to the hotel.

She desperately told herself that it was just an accident. But her heart beat faster and her hot cheeks reminded her all the time that nothing could have happened.

In the next few days, she pretended to be ill and refused to go out and answer Ji Qingzhan's phone.

Ji Qingzhan didn't force her, and soon left Aloha.

She was relieved.

But in the following time, she was not in much mood to take a holiday. After only a few days, he returned to China ahead of schedule.

This is the first time she has seen Ji Qingzhan since she returned to China.

Sheng Chu Xi swallowed his saliva and went quietly back to his room.

However, after a few steps, I suddenly felt resistance coming from my feet.

Looking down, tangyuan's big black eyes looked at her naively, and the dog's mouth was biting her trouser leg.

Sheng Chuxi: "...."