Xia Zhou was stunned.

It was discovered that the hat of the guard fell off at some time.

The boy held his cheeks in his hands and looked at him with a red heart. Then he opened his mouth and let out a persistent high pitched groundhog scream.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! It's really Zhou Xia! Zhou Xia, you're my fan! Ah, no, no, I'm your fan! I like you! I've seen all your competitions! Ah, ah, ah, ah! Mom, I've seen the living Zhou Xia!"

The surrounding contestants and onlookers have not dispersed.

Hearing his voice, they were all excited after being stunned.

"My God! Zhou Xia? Is it the Zhou Xia I know? Zhou Xia who has won many awards in international competitions? Ah ah ah ah! I didn't expect to go shopping and meet my idol! When did Zhou Xia return home? Hadn't he been in the United States before?"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! I saw his face, but Zhou Xia was right! Who will pinch me to let me know that I am not dreaming? Mom, Zhou Xia is so handsome, so handsome, even more handsome than in the live broadcast! Want to be handsome! Zhou Xia, do you lack girlfriends? You just went to college?"

"I knew that 'Zhou Xia' was definitely Zhou Xia himself! Besides Zhou Xia, who else could operate so smoothly? Who else could have teammates like red hair, green hair and yellow hair? Especially the wonderful hair color of green hair! Zhou Xia! Zhou Xia! Can you sign for me?"

Hearing the speech, green hair's face turned green.

"Shit, what is the hair color of exotic flowers? Green symbolizes life, vitality and vigor... How can you describe such a good moral with exotic flowers? Red hair and yellow hair, don't you think?"

The sight of red and yellow turned around on the top of green.

"... just be happy."

Looking at the approaching crazy crowd, the three of them sighed.

"Why should we be ignored as long as brother Xia is here? This is a damn face watching world!"

Huang Mao suddenly said, "wait, I seem to have forgotten something..."

Hongmao: "I seem to be..."

The next second, the three men turned their heads together and saw that xiazhou was surrounded by layers of people and could not move.

Green Mao roared: "brother Xia, let's help you!"

They tried to squeeze into the crowd.

Within a second, however, it was thrown out.

"What's crowded? Is there any quality? Line up! No one can try to get in front of me! Ah ah ah ah ah, Zhou Xia, you are so handsome! Please take a look at me! Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Three people: "...."

Three people: "brother Xia, it's not that we don't help you. Good luck, Amen."


"Excuse me, excuse me!"

Xia Zhou frowned impatiently.

However, the crowd around him seemed to be crazy and surrounded him.

I could hear nothing but screams.

No matter which way you go, it is difficult to break through the encirclement.

Seeing that the slim and beautiful figure in the distance was about to disappear, Xia Zhou was in a hurry, and his handsome face was cold.

"I said, give way!"

The roar raised the volume and finally quieted the crowd.

Xia Zhou took the opportunity to squeeze out. However, the figure had already disappeared at the end of his sight


That night, between the social news and entertainment news, a topic suddenly appeared and ranked first on the hot search list——

#Zhou Xia, the great God of eating chicken, appeared in China \.