After the fan group finished oiling Zheng Lanlan, they were ready to vote.

The big fan, who seemed to be the leader, shouted: "everyone vote for the Ninth Heaven! We must let Lan Lan win the first place tonight! Our goddess deserves the first place!"

Other fans responded and bowed their heads to vote.

A little fan hesitated for a long time and spoke weakly.

"However, looking at the performances of the four groups, I think the performance of the group in Dashan is even more brilliant. Although we are Lan Lan's fans, we are also the audience of the program. When we come here, we should vote according to the performance of the actors, shouldn't we?"

Big fan's face immediately sank down and glared at the little fan.

"Are you a fan of Lan Lan? If you choose Dashan, from today on, you will be expelled from fan school. You don't deserve to like Lan Lan any more!"

The little fan turned pale with anger.

He closed his mouth in silence. After voting for jiuchongtian under the supervision of big fan, he dared not speak any more.


And the other side.

After interacting with Sheng Chuxi, the milkshakes picked up the voting machine in their hands.

"Sisters, are you all ready to vote?"


Before starting to vote, a milkshake asked curiously, "who are you going to vote for?"

The rest of the milkshakes said in unison, "vote for Dashan!"

They looked at each other and laughed.

Just as they were preparing to vote, a milkshake weakly raised its hand.

"Well, actually, I want to vote in Zhu Qiang... Although Dashan is very good and Xiaoxi's performance is excellent, the theme is too heavy. I don't like it very much. I always feel depressed after reading it."

"Besides, I usually like Gong Dou's Machiavellism. The story of Zhu Qiang moved me very much, and the actors' performance was also very good. So after a long struggle, I, I still want to vote for Zhu Qiang..."

Seeing that other milkshakes were looking at her, the milkshake swallowed saliva: "otherwise, I, I'd better vote for Dashan?"

The other milkshakes patted her on the shoulder.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, sister! You can vote for whatever you want! You forget what Xiao Xi told us? We vote not as fans, but from the perspective of the audience, according to our true feelings!"

"Yes, we did not vote for Dashan because we were milkshakes and liked Xiaoxi. We chose Dashan because we liked it! You should also choose your favorite work!"

With the encouragement of other milkshakes, this milkshake cast its vote on the red wall.

Looking at the sisters around, she couldn't help smiling.

Milkshakes are a great family!

Sure enough, people with positive energy and warmth like Xiaoxi will attract warm people!


Ten minutes later, the voting was over.

The host walked onto the stage.

"As for the rules of this round of knockout matches, we have already said. Audience friends, the result of this round is entirely up to your vote. Of the four groups, the two groups with low votes will be eliminated, while the two groups with high votes will be promoted to the next round."

"Now, the result of the vote is in my hands. Next, I will announce the elimination and promotion groups -"

As the words fell, everyone held their breath and their nervous eyes fell on him.