Chapter 50:

Name:Tribulation of Mysteries Author:
Chapter 50:

“My apologies, Knight Iman, for burning your forest and the compensation for the militia, I will order someone to send it later...”

Because it was a large operation, Knight Iman was the last to arrive.

Aaron urged his horse forward and said apologetically.

The vegetation, the animals, the fish, even the people in the area were the wealth of the local lord. Even the goods of passing merchants were the property of the Lord if they fell to the ground.This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

So any damage had to be repaired.

“Lord Aaron, you are too polite. You also consider the safety of my subordinates.”

Knight Iman laughed, but he did not think much of it.

In his experience, the so-called bandit group was a group of people without food. They might have some crude weapons and dared to kill, but that was it.

Sending in a group of soldiers would be enough to wipe them out!

It was too cautious to undertake such a large-scale operation.

It was even more suspicious that they were afraid to die.

However, he only muttered these words in his heart and did not show it on his face.


Soon the flames engulfed the small hill. Then there was nothing left to burn and the fire extinguished itself.

Half a day later, the temperature began to drop. Eight Fingers volunteered to clean up the battlefield.

Knight Iman dismounted, obviously interested.

Aaron did not mind accompanying him. The ground around them was charred black and still had some residual heat.

Not long after, they saw a large corpse.

“Check, it must be a wild wolf.”

Eight Fingers said excitedly, but also a little afraid, “And this...”

As Knight Iman looked at the refined weapons and leather armour his expression gradually changed. Finally, when he saw the remains of the three crossbows, he could not hide the bitter smile on his face.

Crossbows were military items, and they were strictly controlled by the military. A group of bandits should not be able to get their hands on them.

Just the thought of this shady business made his hair stand on end.

He suddenly regretted his decision to come and have a look.

“It looks like this wild wolf gang is really well equipped. I should send a letter to father and investigate.”

Aaron said sternly as he looked at knight Iman beside him.

He was asked to come over as a witness. He was already on the same boat and could be of help.

Knight Iman smiled bitterly. He had no choice but to say, “I will testify...”

“I don’t know...”

Colin’s eyes were blank, but he trembled.

He hoped that his father would suppress this matter for him, but he felt that was not possible.

If he did, the result would be unpredictable.

“Sir Colin, you still have a chance!” Philly’s eyes darkened, “Your brother is too outstanding. If this goes on, your father will be swayed sooner or later. Why don’t you do it now!”

“What did you say?”

Colin stood up suddenly, and he almost drew his sword to kill this person.

But in the end he did not. He shouted, “Get out!”

Philly did not panic and he got up to leave.

But as he walked out of the room, he exchanged glances with Elaine.

A smile appeared on Elaine’s face and she nodded.


A moment later, Elaine walked into the study and saw Colin drinking wine.

“Darling ... I have some good news for you.”

A motherly smile appeared on Elaine’s face and she put Colin’s hand on her stomach, “I’m pregnant!”

“Child? My child? ”

Colin trembled and suddenly he became much more sober, a look of excitement on his face.

He could not help but lie down and put his head against Elaine’s chest as if he could hear the baby’s heartbeat.

He had never done this with Sylvie.

Not long after that, Colin suddenly felt a drop of water dripping on his face.

He lifted his head to see that Elaine’s face was already filled with tears.

“Why are you crying?”

Colin could not help but ask.

“I’m scared...” Elaine leaned gently against Colin, “And Madam Sylvie, She won’t tolerate me.”

“Don’t worry about her, she’s a whore! And that bastard, he’s not my son. I want to strangle him! ”

Colin’s face suddenly became wild and determined. “Believe me, Elaine ... things will get better.”

At that moment, the news of Elaine’s pregnancy and Char’s existence became the last straw that crushed Colin’s heart.

T/N: Merry Christmas everyone