v2 Chapter 5339: College students’ desert island game (2)

Because there was no memory, Tang Guo didn't take the words of three roommates, but carefully modified the makeup on his face.

I'll go to the toilet in a while and see the memory of this world.

When she stood up, she found that all three roommates were looking at her with strange eyes. She only paused and went to the toilet.

"What happened to her today?" Tao Jiajia was a little puzzled. "It looks weird. I said she used to say several times before. Don't always use that kind of cheap stuff. It's really cheap. It just lowers the level of our bedroom. , Will always refute two sentences."

She wondered why Tang Guo didn't blush, and didn't show that kind of timid, embarrassed, embarrassed appearance.

Tao Jiajia was a little annoyed by the light glance of the other party just now, full of confidence.

Such a cheap thing, on Tang Guo's face, she was almost surprised.

"Perhaps it is anxious," Tao Jiajia said to herself, "She goes part-time every week, and earns two or three hundred a week. Buying a lipstick is almost the same. It feels like a waste of time."

Bai Tian: "Perhaps for her, it makes more sense. Two or three hundred is indeed a bit less. Some are not worth it. It will take so long to stand. It is simply cheap labor."

Tang Guo didn't pay attention to the conversations of the roommates in the dormitory. She had closed her eyes to receive the memories of the world.

She is nineteen years old and just sophomore.

Indeed, as she guessed, today is Friday, and there is no class in the afternoon, so I have to work part-time.

Her family situation is very bad, her parents can't give her more resources, tuition is loaned, living expenses depend on her going out part-time every week.

As Tao Jiajia said, she earns a maximum of two or three hundred per week, but for her, it is good enough, at least for living expenses.

She also wants to buy better makeup, but if she does that, she won't have the money to eat.

Going to college is her dream. After going to college, her dream is to find a good job in the future, with a good salary, which can bring different changes to her and her family.

In fact, born from such a poor family, she has a bit of inferiority in her bones, but she is also a bit proud.

As long as she doesn't have that pride in her bones and is willing to pay some price for money, she may not be using dozens of lipsticks now.

People are very poor and can't bend their waists. She doesn't want to get money in that way. She hopes that her money will come properly and spend comfortably.

There are many people who look down on her and think she is poor. In fact, these roommates in the dormitory have a better attitude.

She has experienced even worse scenarios.

Some boys in the school failed to pursue her, and were insulted and mocked by the other side.

She always straightened her spine, using these external resistance as motivation.

I think she has come here, waiting a few years, her life will definitely change.

These so-called alumni, classmates, on the day of graduation, they may never meet in their entire lives.

However, she underestimated the harshness of human nature.

I don't know if someone doesn't like her to live such a clean life, or sees that she is particularly good at bullying, so they want to bully her, so they arrange a game for her.

This game was originally a joke, so that her life was still at the age of nineteen.

It happened next month. An event will be organized in the class, and the expenses will be paid by a few students from good backgrounds in the class.

Everyone in the class goes out to play in free shipping. Isn't the crossing game more popular recently? There is also the world of Truman in the past, which made some people want to create a realistic version of the world of Truman.