"Be quicker, the guests will come in a while, so quickly wipe the table clean."

Tang Guo was sober and by the way, there was a woman's big voice in her ears, and the buzzing sound made her forehead a little bit painful.

There was no time to think about anything else, because of the instinct of this body, she started to operate like a machine, quickly wiping the table in front of her.

But within five seconds, Tang Guo had already reacted, but she didn't stop, instead she was wiping the table while looking at the surrounding environment.

This should be a small noodle restaurant with a small area, just the kind of ordinary noodle restaurant. On each table, there is also a menu of our shop.

Is she the waiter of this noodle restaurant?

She looked down at the apron she was wearing. The oily smell on it was a bit unpleasant. But she didn't care, now is not the time to think about it.

She quickly wiped the table and looked outside again. It was dark and there were pedestrians in twos and threes on the road.

Since it is a noodle restaurant, business in the morning is more important.

Because the store was not large, Tang Guo quickly wiped every table clean. When she felt she could rest, the first guest came.

The first guest ordered a small noodle. The woman was sitting at the cash register before and saw that she was still there.

The loud voice started again, yelling at her more swiftly, and went in to make a small face.

Tang Guo had to walk into the back kitchen and waited there.

In the back kitchen, there is only a middle-aged man cooking noodles. The small noodles are cooked quickly, and the middle-aged man puts the cooked small noodles into a bowl that has been prepared for a long time, and adds the scumbags that the guests need.

Without reminding this time, Tang Guo knew what to do, and quickly brought the noodles to the guests.

Without waiting for her to take a breath, the guests came one after another. Her task was to keep carrying out the bowls, picking up the leftovers eaten by the guests, and wiping the table. Cola Literature

And she saw that middle-aged woman, who had been sitting at the cash register to collect money, reminded her to be quicker from time to time, and she did not move her buttocks all morning.

At this time, Tang Guo thought that the original owner was working, and she was a working girl, guessing that the original owner had met a more demanding boss.

I'm thinking in my mind, I won't do it after I do it today.

I was so busy just now, even if I was the boss, I didn't take the lead. I was very tired of doing this work.

Speaking of it, she hasn't traveled to it for a long time, and this kind of world keeps busy.

I can't do this work anymore, it's too tired, and back and forth, it makes her head dizzy.

If she is a summer job, she can find another work experience.

However, the result was not the same as Tang Guo thought.

One big morning passed and there were almost no customers coming to the store. The next peak time was from 11:30 to 12: 00 noon.

She can finally take a breather.

She made an excuse to go to the toilet. The two couples in the shop looked at the cleaned floor and table and ignored her.

I think there is no work left, and she can have some free time.

Tang Guo walked out of the small shop, found a quiet place, and began to accept the plot of this world, even entering the group did not care.

After watching the plot, Tang Guo's expression was not very good.

Before, she thought it was the original owner looking for a summer job to experience life, so she was more serious about her work.

Never thought that the truth of the matter was like this.