At present, there are already many women who have strong power. If this matter is not handled properly, there will be turmoil.

"Why are you here?"

"I have been looking for you for a long time."

Ye Min came back to tell Tang Guo the good news, and he felt Tang Guo's hostility towards Fu Qiu.

Unexpectedly, after looking around, Tang Guo ran to the fence.

"Just sit here."

"Tell you good news."


"As you guessed, in order to study the changes in male genes, all pregnant men must be numbered and stored, and the baby they are currently pregnant with must be given birth. Among them, many genetically excellent men have special care."

"Speaking of taking care, rather than monitoring, right?" Tang Guo sneered.

Ye Min was a little strange: "I thought you would be very happy and relieved."

"What is there to be happy about," Tang Guo smiled indifferently, "They agreed, but they wanted to solve the problem of male genetic changes. Because of this, all men in the world are terrified."

"That may not be solved." Ye Min said, "The power of Rainbow Fruit is not explained by science. My sister said that she still doesn't understand Rainbow Fruit."

"Actually, I don't know much."

Ye Min shook his head helplessly: "I heard that someone proposed to produce sets."

"Aren't you ashamed to discuss this with me in such a serious manner?"

Ye Min: "That is to say, you have too much reaction to a news. Besides, if it is the two of us, we don't need these, and no one can get pregnant."

After Ye Min finished speaking, he looked at Tang Guo with a smile in his eyes: "Don't you think?"


"Don't get out! You haven't answered me yet." Ye Min jumped on the wall and sat next to Tang Guo, "It's been so many years, should I respond a bit? There is no need to do any experiment now. , Is it time to be in the sun?"

"There is no need to experiment, but the world is still in chaos."

"One person can't change world peace." Ye Min said, "Life is so long. Actually, even if we are together, what do you want to do, isn't it okay?"

"If the world restores its former order, Ye Min, what do you want to do?"

Ye Min thought for a while and said, "I want to be a director and shoot all kinds of good-looking TV shows."

"I am very envious of people before the end of the world, there are so many TV shows and various entertainment projects."

"However, time cannot go back. Many things have changed. It is not possible to go back to that time. You can only get close infinitely, and even some other changes have occurred." Ye Min was a little sad.

"But, your dream can still be realized." Tang Guo stood up, wanted to jump off, and handed her hand to Ye Min. Ye Min quickly held it and took her down.

"It's time for a women's freedom movement." Tang Guo said, making Ye Min refreshed.

"I originally had an experiment to study how to regain fertility in women who had eaten rainbow fruit." Tang Guo said, "Suddenly I felt that it was not necessary. When you make a choice, you will inevitably abandon something. Some hesitate. Women, if they want children, they can actually have children first, and then decide whether to eat rainbow fruit."

"As the first group of women to eat the rainbow fruit, it is enough to make women stand up. I believe that many women are willing to choose this way. If everything is perfect, we will help them consider everything. It can also inspire It’s a powerful force and it can give birth to offspring. It’s too perfect and too easy.”