Tang Guo sat back in that luxurious chair again, and leaned gently on the cushion behind it. This chair was truly luxurious and comfortable.

Just like Tang Guo guessed, she wore a game world this time. The identity of the original owner was a very important npc. She was a big boss and had to deal with human players many times a day.

She is currently located at her home, the Purple Tower in Purple Tower City. The Purple Tower is also called the Purple Tower Palace. It is a place that human players want to come to.

She is called the Queen of the Purple Pagoda. After the disappearance of the Purple Emperor many thousands of years ago, the Queen of the Purple Pagoda has been stationed at Purple Pagoda City to guard the treasures here. Of course, this is a background setting, there is no such thing as a purple emperor.

However, the setting is that the Purple Emperor disappears and cares very much about the things here, and the Queen of the Purple Pagoda guards it wholeheartedly and does not allow anyone to occupy this place.

Human players come here to do anything. Up to the present position, no one can break through the level of the Queen of the Purple Tower.

However, this is a large-scale holographic game. It is not the only way to go to another map. They can also choose other pasts.

It is also unclear to take other paths, but as more and more players can pass through the past, they are no longer satisfied. Regarding the Queen of the Purple Tower, no one has ever crossed the network, and even the official revealed some plots. Once approved by the Queen of the Purple Tower, there will be rich hidden rewards.

The official completion of the dialogue is, whether it is to get the approval of the Purple Tower Queen or kill the Purple Tower Queen, there are rewards, and the rewards are different.

Because of this news, gamers on the entire network came to Purple Tower City almost as soon as they went online, trying to attack the Queen of Purple Tower.

In Purple Tower City, the Queen of Purple Tower is invincible. She is the player on the top of the rankings. In front of her, she can't resist any move.

Unless, lead the Purple Tower Queen out of the city. 123 Literature Network

But she didn't get in, so she kept on guarding the treasure and had no plan to go out. Every time she chased the door, she stopped chasing them, but returned to play in the purple tower.

After going over and over again, the players are also very tired and feel that the difficulty of this game is too high. However, game companies have never been called hunting strange, sometimes the settings in the game are really weird.

Now that it's time to play, they have no reason to give up.

In particular, the game company also announced a news that the recently opened maps can be given priority to experience as long as they can pass the Queen of the Purple Tower. As soon as the news came out, the players went crazy, desperately trying to figure out how to get the Queen of the Purple Tower.

In the end someone came up with a way, and the person who came up with this way was the chosen son of this world, his name was Song Lin, and his name in the game was Song Family Master.

This method is to impress the Queen of the Purple Pagoda with sincerity and let her pass by willingly.

How did Song Lin come up with this method?

In fact, before attacking the Queen of the Purple Tower, he inadvertently attacked another npc.

In this game, npc is relatively more capable than many games. Gamers can marry npc if they are interested.

Players all know that this is a virtual world, but it is just to pass the time. At present, holographic games have been developed very advanced. Enabling this function in the game is also to relieve the social bachelor.

Bachelors get satisfaction in the game, and they will not do bad things in society.