While holding the benefits of his own brother, he said everywhere that money is useless, and what else he said. His brother is the only pleasing person in the Qin family, unlike the smell of copper all over his body.

If it weren't for Tang Guo's face, he would knock the opponent's head off.

"Boss Qin, are you finished talking?"

Zhou Xuan walked in from the outside of the cafe and walked to Tang Guo's side with a smile on his face. How did he feel that Xiao Guo and this Qin surnamed recently got too close? Does this surname Qin want to be the first to get there, or do he want to get the moon first when he is near the water?

Want to be beautiful.

Qin Jingyuan shook his head and laughed: "It turned out to be Young on Tuesday. The talk is over. I will pay attention to Miss Tang's affairs. Then I will leave first. My wife has been waiting for a long time."

After speaking, Qin Jingyuan looked at another location in the cafe, where a very elegant woman was sitting.

Seeing Qin Jingyuan's gesture, she walked over.

Qin Jingyuan walked over to make progress, took her over, and officially introduced the two.

Tang Guo felt that at that moment, Zhou Xuan's hostility towards Qin Jingyuan was gone, so she spoke to them very friendly.


"Second Young Master, you couldn't wait to find it before. Why?"

Zhou Xuan's brows moved, and he whispered: "Why else? Isn't this afraid that the baby you got will be robbed?"

"With me, there will be no results." Tang Guo said seriously this time, "I will never get married in my life."

In this era, getting married or not getting married is similar. In fact, for her, there is no special meaning to marry or not to marry in any era.

It feels like some times have come, and getting married is good.

Sometimes, she didn't think it was necessary, so she didn't want to.

"Xiaoguo, no matter where you go, take me. I don't want results. As long as the process, the process is more important."

System: [The host is big, and I also think the process is more important, such as math problems. As long as there is a complete process, even if the final answer is filled in incorrectly, at most one or two points will be deducted. But if you don't write the process, just write the answer, you won't get much. This kid is smart. 】

Tang Guo: "..."

"The Second Young Master thinks that way?"

"Yes, I think so, as long as I can be by your side, I like you, and you seem to be quite satisfied with me. Being together every day is the greatest happiness."

"As expected, someone who has drunk foreign ink, think about it."

Zhou Xuan took Tang Guo's little hand and said with a smile, "It's too rigid, and I will miss many good things."

"All right, as long as you don't return, you will always be on my left."

When Zhou Xuan heard it, the corners of his mouth cracked to the base of his ears.


"Brother, what did you say? Studying abroad?" Qin Jingran couldn't figure out why his brother sent him to study abroad. He has gone to study abroad, what should Tang Si do? Who will take care of her?

"You are ready to prepare, next Tuesday's ferry tickets."

Without room for discussion, Qin Jingran was even more unable to refute, and he was sent away before saying goodbye.

"Miss Tang is right. The little one in the family doesn't know that life is difficult, so it's time to get a good experience."

Zhou Guan was arrested and locked up again because of a fight. Tang Si hurriedly went to Qin Jingran for help, but was told that Qin Jingran was studying abroad, and he was dumbfounded at the time.

Zhou Guan was detained for three days and tortured by some people for three days.

Tang Si couldn't find other people to help, but in the end Zhou Guan's mother said that he had a way.

any solution?

Of course it was the Zhou family, now only the Zhou family can save Zhou Guan. Anyway, this week's crown is the blood of the Zhou family. It is impossible for the Zhou family to be so cold-blooded, right?