When I found these teachers, it was Anhua who accidentally inquired about some things and asked some friends I had made. I found that these teachers have excellent skills and experience in studying abroad. They are more open-minded, and they don’t have the identity of a showgirl. Care about.

And Zeng Jin has also published articles. He has read these articles and compared the pedantic thinking of some scholars. The thinking of these people is the real innovation. Some opinions, opinions, he thinks that this is the teacher suitable for the young lady.

The next day, Tang Guo got up at seven and punched a set of punches in the room.

Nowadays, the world is not very peaceful, the world has no spiritual energy, and you can't practice. It's okay to practice martial arts.

It’s better to stretch your hand a little, and save yourself when something happens than to call out loudly.

At eight o'clock, she had breakfast.

Nearly nine o'clock, the three teachers Anhua had invited for her came, art teacher, music teacher, and foreign language teacher.

Both the art teacher and the music teacher are male, and the foreign language teacher is female. All three of them have good appearances.

What made Tang Guo notice the most was that their eyes were very bright. When they saw Tang Guo, they didn't look down on them at all, but were full of curiosity and seeking knowledge.

Obviously they are curious, why did this celebrity of Xianlusi think of looking for them to learn painting and foreign languages?

If they learn music, they are not surprised at all, maybe this celebrity wants to improve his professional standard.

Art teacher Cheng Han has seven years of study abroad experience. Although he is not well-known enough, Anhua has seen it. The other party's professional preparation is really good. Currently teaching art to students in school, he is now 35 years old.

Music teacher Yin Yue, who has studied abroad for ten years, is younger than Cheng Han. He is only thirty years old this year. He is very talented in music. He is best at piano and violin. Of course, he is also a local guqin and pipa. Most of the other instruments can be used, but they are not proficient.

Zhu Shishi, a foreign language teacher, went to a foreign country with his parents when he was ten years old. Because he missed his homeland, he felt that he could do something. When he was twenty, he returned to his homeland and became a teacher at school, thinking that he should learn what he learned. , And bring back languages ​​from other places and teach them to people in their hometowns. So far, he has been teaching in school for seven years.

Zhu Shishi is very popular in the school because she is young, beautiful, and very kind. In the eyes of the students, she is a woman of the new era.

When I was in school, I often received love letters from students.

At this time, students write love letters to their teachers and admire them. As long as they have studied, most of them can accept and support them. They think that this is the innovation of thinking, free love, and this is not what they pursue?

"Hello teachers, thank you for accepting me as a student." Tang Guo smiled and invited a few people to sit down.

Several people nodded kindly. In fact, they don't have a student of this kind, and they have no prejudice against this profession. It's just that they have seen too little, it should be said that they have never seen it, the singer is willing to improve herself.

Therefore, after Anwar spoke, they agreed without hesitation.

Music teacher Yin Yue, he has heard Tang Guo sing, not only that, he also often comes to listen, but they have never seen it before. He just hid in the corner and listened quietly. He always thought her voice was beautiful. Now he is very excited by such a student.

Zhu Shishi feels that no matter who she is or what her identity is, as long as she is willing to accept her knowledge, she must teach well.

Cheng Han is still considering, he wants to try first, after all, he has never taught such a student.