Relying on memory, walk towards the stage. I was still remembering the song I was going to sing this time, and I hummed along with it.

"Hey, what's going on today, she passed by humming a song, as if she was in a good mood."

"Then who knows, she usually doesn't have a good face when she comes backstage, and who knows what to do."

"You are young and energetic, thinking that you are red, it is terrible. We Xianlusi, there are many people who can red. Later she will know what is new generation than generation, no one will always be the peak. Smart, At this time, he is already looking for a way out for himself."

"Yes, I heard people say that the former one, didn't he leave when he was in his prime? I heard that he redeemed himself, and I don't know where he went. I haven't seen any news over the years."

"That person, there are so many big bosses who like her, so you won't have to worry about picking one for the rest of your life, let's not expect it."

"It sounds like you've seen it with your own eyes. At that time, all of us were still playing in the mud on the street?"

"Don't tell me, I have seen the style of that person from a distance. Few people can really match it. It is said that every time I went to her to perform, the guests in the dance hall were full of guests. There are people staying at the door of Si to watch."

Several showgirls were talking in the dressing room, but their hearts were really sour.

This one is not as good as that one for the time being, but now every performance is packed.

"What are you guys talking about?" At this moment, the manager came over and scolded the singers, "It's useless to discuss here when you have time. It's better to practice your voice and get the basic skills well."

After the manager yelled, he turned and left, looking in the direction of the stage. Isn't this the one who taught it by hand? If not, how could Xianlusi give her such a generous offer?

As expected of the teacher, it did not disappoint.

Tang Guo will sing three songs today. The first one is to sing one of his own choosing, and the other two are sung by the owner of the song and dance hall at the bid price.

After three songs, several hours have passed. The guests who watched the song and dance felt that every time at this time, the time passed quickly, and regretted the end.

Tang Guo refused the invitation of the bosses to go to dinner, went to the backstage to remove makeup, and then returned to the residence arranged by Xianlusi for her under the **** of the security, a very luxurious villa.

The manager of Xianlusi did not refuse the invitation of those bosses for her. This is their signboard of Xianlusi, how can they go out for dinner with people casually? Even a simple meal is not something ordinary people can invite.

If anyone can invite out, then this sign is worthless.

If there is really a very important person who wants to see her and invite her to dinner, they will greet the manager in advance and come to remind her long ago.

Tang Guo refused to feel at ease without any pressure. She still has a lot to do now, to figure out the world, and to go to the group to see what happened to the Queen Mother Chen.

She didn't plan to leave Xianlusi for the time being, and planned to do something big as Xianlusi Singer.

The system seemed to smell some danger, calling someone from the heart to come quickly.

Tang Guo looked at the schedule. Her next performance is scheduled for the day after tomorrow. People in this era still know how to market hunger.

It's just such an arrangement to hook people out of favor.