"Yes, since she has all admitted her mistakes, as long as she doesn't make mistakes in the future, then forget it. Knowing her mistakes can improve her."

"In fact, she is more sincere, and she quit the comics circle directly. I like this attitude better."

"She is actually very talented, she just took the wrong path for a while, and now she has a good attitude of admitting her mistakes, paying the price for her behavior, and withdrawing from the circle. She has been able to walk to this day, step by step, so she is still worthy of admiration. After all, in today's Society, there are so many shameless people. Few people can do hers. Therefore, I support her. If she has outstanding original works in the future, I will still choose to support her."

Because Kong En was so simple, he attracted a wave of fans.

However, there are also some people who cannot tolerate sand in their eyes.

"Although she has a good attitude of admitting mistakes, isn't this what she should do? Plagiarizing other people's works and admitting a mistake can be completely forgiven?"

"Anyway, I won't look at her works. If I have a good character, I will not choose to plagiarize from the beginning. I will admit my mistakes and be forgiven. The price of plagiarism is too small. This is really cold heart of."

"That's, don't forget, what was her previous dynamic, which made people cherish feathers. If the comic books were not exposed, they would beat them down."

"Does she think that the comic was published a few years ago, it was from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and it was only physical, and it was a niche audience. If you can't find it on the Internet, you can plagiarize it at will?"

Under these comments, many people responded, making them a little tolerant. Who has not made a mistake in a person's life? As long as you make a mistake, it is good to be able to correct it.

And so on, especially many.

Tang Guo just smiled after seeing it, and didn't ask much. It was someone from the company who asked her if she wanted some navy. It was a bit too cheap for Kong En to let things go like this.

Tang Guo shook his head: "What do you do with that thing, isn't the money used for your hot pot? A waste!"

Company employee: So, it's a little bit. If you ask for money from the navy, it seems you can buy a lot of hot pot.

So they shouted: "Boss, when will you invite us to have hot pot?"

"Let's eat today." Tang Guo replied, punching Kongen in the first battle.

This first step is to dissolve Kong's impression of everyone. But she will not continue to play, because Kong En has already apologized altogether, which has attracted a wave of fans.

If she continues to punch Kong En, the group of brain-deads will attack her, saying that they are too much, have no tolerance at all, force logic, and will kill their anger, which is meaningless.

What she has to do is, every time the hammer goes down, Kong En's defense is indisputable. No matter how much Kong En's brain powder is washed, it will only make people feel pale and weak.

This kind of whitewashing is okay once or twice, and the more times, it will easily arouse the disgust of passers-by. At that time, it was the real blow to Kong En.

For Kong En, she never wanted to keep her hands.

Because Kong En's desire will kill people.

Tang Guo's assistant quickly took out his cell phone: "Boss, then I will tell Brother Hua, he will definitely not miss this kind of thing."

Tang Guo didn't care, her company was almost bought off with slanderous words. If something goes wrong, he will be notified. Especially for her food, Huayan is never absent. Of course, this is her default, and employees dare to do it.