He may have grown up as a handsome man, so he became a doorman in the hotel, responsible for helping guests open the door and carry their luggage.

However, Bai Sheng's situation was not as good as expected.

The old staff of the hotel often bullied him in different ways. He was not a person who was willing to endure, but the current situation in his family is not very good.

My father was seriously ill. Although it wasn't an immediate disease, it was a disease that killed him without money.

In order to live, he can only endure the bullying of his colleagues and the humiliation of his guests, and put his own strictest to the lowest.

There are several doorkeepers, and there are often luxury cars parked at the door. Before Bai Sheng could go up to receive him, he was preempted by his colleagues.

After all, the guests who drive luxury cars are very generous and give them a lot of tips.

Like a taxi, customers who drive ordinary cars will not be so generous, and the tip is up to five yuan.

If you drive a sports car with a woman customer, it is more generous, usually one hundred, if you are lucky, you may get several hundred.

What they like most to receive is the kind of outburst of wealth. In front of women, they like to show their face the most. In particular, they will often ask them to help buy something, and they will keep the remaining money.

Bai Sheng also wants to receive such guests.

But he is a newcomer, and old employees exclude him. Those who come often are not familiar with him, so they are not allowed to receive him.

Occasionally, a potential stranger was robbed by a colleague.

Even if the guest was robbed, Bai Sheng couldn't resist. In the past two years, he has suffered a lot.

A small person like him who has no background, power and influence, has suffered a grievance, and can only endure it except endure it. If you can do it for a while, you can only get expelled.

Father's illness has always needed money, and if he is expelled again, Bai Sheng will not find a better tip than here.

To be a waiter in other industries, three to four thousand yuan a month is not enough for my father to see a doctor.

To do sales, he also tried, but he is really not that piece of material, there is no way to make customers willingly buy his things.

Because of his father's illness, he can't afford to gamble, and he doesn't have time to gamble, so he can only stand by here.

In his heart, he also looked forward to a moment when he could soar into the sky. But reality is often cruel, and he has gradually let go of that unrealistic dream.

Tang Guo came by taxi and brought a suitcase with a lot of stuff in it, which was very heavy.

After all, she was here to meet Bai Sheng, so she didn't want another waiter to receive her.

When the car stopped at the door of the hotel, she glanced at the door of the hotel and found that the door was waiting for many waiters.

When Tang Guo came, she was pretty sure that these people looked at her.

The distance is a little far away, and the glass at the entrance of the hotel is somewhat reflective, so guests can hardly see the current faces of the waiters.

When Bai Sheng saw another taxi coming, he knew that this was his job, and his colleagues would never rob him.

Usually, the guests who come by taxis don't need to mention the tip, and the luggage may be bulky.

But Bai Sheng didn't dislike it at all. He wouldn't want to have more of this kind of guests. Even if it was three yuan or five yuan, even one piece would do. The so-called accumulation of less would make more.

There are dozens or hundreds of such guests in one day, and he also has a lot of income.