It made her memory that she was seriously ill and almost died. There is nothing wrong with this explanation.

In order to dispel Tang Guo going out alone, the two couples cried miserably in front of her, showing a look of worry and sadness, and a look of fear of losing her, trying to make her divert.

Because this is the only clone that can save their daughter, once Tang Guo is lost, or even found out by someone with a heart, it's dangerous for their daughter.

In addition, human cloning is actually not allowed in this world. This is against human rules. Many years ago, it was forbidden to study human cloning. But there are still many organizations that are secretly studying these. If the existence of this human clone is discovered, those people will definitely not let it go.

What were the two couples talking about? At this moment, there was a sudden noise at the door, and the door was pushed open, and a handsome young man in a racing suit came in and was holding a voyeur.

The young man first glanced at Tang Guo, then at Tang's father and mother, and said with a smile: "Parents, I heard at the door that you were afraid that your sister would get lost. What's the matter?"

This young man was Tang Zhou. He walked in with a smile on his face, and his eyes swept over Tang Guo's body for a moment, slightly darker, looking at the dishes on the table and saying, "Parents, you are really partial. , Sister is here, you just make such delicious things. When I was at home, I was hungry, so you let auntie cook something casually. It seems that Mom even cooked by herself today, and I already smell something familiar It smells."

"Since you smell it, then wash your hands and eat." Mother Tang greeted Tang Zhou with a smile. Compared with before, she looked at Tang Zhou in her eyes with joy and love from the heart. Obviously she did not expect Tang Zhou at this time. Zhou will come back unexpectedly.

"A Zhou, didn't you say that you will be back next week?"

Tang Zhou washed his hands, came out of the kitchen, served himself a bowl of rice, sat in his usual position, first took a big bite of the rice, and then took a bite of familiar dishes, and then swallowed it and said, "The game is over. I planned to stay abroad and have a good time for a few days. Later, I didn’t seem to have much to play. It was all those projects every year, so I came back early.”

The two couples were not surprised by Tang Zhou's words.

Tang Zhou is a professional racing driver. The Tang family does not lack this money. His son is a little hobby, and they support him. Even if you don't support it, it won't work, this kid is very stubborn.

However, Tang Zhou promised to play traffic jams until he was thirty years old, and immediately retired when he was thirty, and then returned to take over the company. Because he was afraid of his parents being worried, he would check the car, his own equipment and protective measures every time he raced.

Even if there were a few dangers, he was very professional, protected himself well, and was much luckier than many racers. In addition, his physical fitness is good, and he is young, so the chance of accident is actually very small.

"By the way, Mom and Dad, I listened to you at the door before, did I seem to be going out?" Tang Zhou asked.

Tang mother said before Tang Guo that she wanted to go shopping and shopping, they told her about the matter.

"My parents have to be busy with the company, and my brother-in-law is also very busy. I think I am the most leisurely right now. Or maybe I should go shopping with my sister during this period of time. It’s not good to be bored in the house every day. Say it?"