The hostess was accompanied by a family and lived a happy life.

Regarding the heroine's copy, that is, the clone, everyone kept it from her, thinking that she just needs to live happily.

The matter was a foregone conclusion, even though Tang Zhou had countless anger and sadness in his heart, he still did not dare to tell the truth, for fear of irritating the heroine.

Moreover, the Tang family and Ouyang Xixian were afraid of Tang Zhou talking indiscriminately, and basically did not allow him to be alone with the heroine.

All the original owners have been removed and temporarily put into the nutrient solution. Because the data showed that her vital signs hadn't disappeared, they decided to wait until they were free to study. After all, this is a very successful clone.

Just before this, there are many things that need to be dealt with, and they have not cared about the original owner for now.

When they were almost busy and remembered the clone, they came to check her situation and discovered a strange thing, which aroused the surprise of everyone in the secret laboratory.

Because, in the bodies of all the clones that were removed, there were organs slowly being formed. Although it looks very small and grows slowly, they are pretty sure that these are what they think.

When Ouyang Xi seemed to know this situation, he did not hesitate to let everyone invest in the research, and must study the principle.

The original owner, who originally thought he had been liberated, became a living experiment. Was sliced, cut off the flesh cruelly.

Over and over again, even if she had been surrounded by countless loves, she also had countless loves, and she was gradually erased by these cold scalpels.

She is in pain.

Pain every day, no one understands the pain of being emptied again and again and those organs slowly growing out.

All the love in her heart, innocence, has disappeared.

The rest is full of anger. Yes, she learned to be angry, learned to hate, learned to resist and struggle.

The situation of the original owner is not ordinary. After all is removed, it will slowly grow out. As long as enough nutrient solution is given, the growth rate is very fast.

This kind of regenerative ability made Ouyang Xixian have to move. Let alone the people in the secret laboratory, they are even more crazy.

At first they only removed the organs of the original owner. Later, they would also cut her fingers and facial features, as long as they could be removed, they would remove a little bit to see if they could grow again.

Once humans have mastered such regenerative capabilities, it will be a very big breakthrough, and the people in their entire laboratory will also achieve world-shocking achievements.

At this time, Ouyang Xixian also received a very bad news, that is, although the hostess's operation was very successful, the new organs replaced in the body were still failing at a faster rate than normal. It may take ten, twenty, or even thirty years to wait for the day of true exhaustion.

But he absolutely does not allow it, the heroine is a little bit dangerous.

Dedicated to the research of the human organ regeneration project, this is his main purpose. If the medicine is researched out, the hostess will have no worries at all and can live on in good health.

And the original owner who has undergone thousands of experiments has no feelings. All the grief and pain have been turned into destruction.

One day, she has a powerful force.