Chapter 2887: Group Pet Essay Female Matching (48)

So does the teacher, do you like chicken so much? I ordered a hundred chickens last time and I ordered so many eggs later.

He looked at the records above, and indeed, every pickup was recorded. It was all on these contracts, and the fingerprints were pressed every time, which can be said to be very strict.

In fact, verification is basically unnecessary, but in order to ensure fairness and integrity, he still sent someone to verify.

I heard that Tang Guo was accused and framed by others. Originally, those people only needed to send the contract over and read it. But they couldn't bear to like Tang's chickens and eggs so much, and everyone who was okay rushed over.

Especially those restaurant owners, everyone is a collaborator, most afraid of something wrong with Tang Guo, they are all here.

The court, which was originally small, suddenly attracted a lot of people.

The former Wang clan who was still righteous and arrogant turned his face pale when he saw so many people coming. In this place, she had no choice but to slip away.

She really wanted to make a mouthful of herself, because she was greedy, and all blamed her for being greedy. If it weren't for being too greedy, there would not be so many things.

"Wang, in your hand, you have the contract that Tang Guo said? You shouldn't lose such an important thing, right? The officer has just reviewed these contracts, and there is no one in it."

When Wang opened his mouth and didn't know what to say, the officials in the hall shot the gavel vigorously, and his voice increased: "Wang, why don't you recruit it!"

The teacher said, to be fair and honest, and not to chill the merchants who really raise chickens.

He looked at the witnesses in the hall. With so many witnesses watching, he would definitely have to find out about this matter before he could keep his authority.

He was a little nervous when everyone looked at him.

So many colleagues came and stared at him seriously, he was really nervous. Everyone has taken a break, and came to watch the show, but he has to work today, so tired.

Of course, Wang couldn't bear this kind of atmosphere. She just likes to be petty and cheap, but it is not a hard bone. At the moment, all are recruited.

The person she confessed was quickly arrested.

In the end, the person who framed Tang Guo was fined and beaten thirty.

And Wang's was also beaten twenty times, and she screamed in pain.

After the execution, both of them were carried back. With so many people watching, every click of the board is on the ground. Now, I have to go back and lie down for a while.

After that, Tang Guo greeted the others and expressed his gratitude, then went back and left.

Just out of the yamen, Sheng Yin should have seen her, jumped down quickly, pulled her sleeves, and led her in.

"Little fool, don't worry."

Although comforted, Sheng Yin just didn't let her go, as if he wanted to drag her to be able to feel at ease. Tang Guo didn't resist, so she sat in the carriage with him.

Shi Xingshan smiled and asked the young man to drive the carriage.

"Housekeeper, have you noted down all those people who came to testify for me earlier?"

"My boss, I've already written it down."

After staying with Tang Guo for so long, Shi Xingshan could figure out what.

"After two days, when they came to pick up the goods, they each delivered 30 eggs, saying that it was Tang's giving back to regular customers."

Shi Xingshan responded and took this matter to heart.

"Master Li gave sixty eggs." Tang Guo said again. She had clarified the relationship between many officials in the DPRK and China before, especially in the plot.