Chapter 2288: Original match for leg deformity (91)

In fact, Bai Yanzhi and Bai Ruyue raised the matter of school transfer.

She agreed that there were two reasons. First, she really couldn't afford it. Second, Bai Yanzhi has been very sensible recently. She thinks that her son will be very good even in ordinary school.

Qin Ting's appearance made her feel discouraged and spent all her thoughts on Bai Yanzhi.

How did she know that Bai Yanzhi, who had been transferred to a regular school, had really good grades, but every afternoon, he would skip class and go to Internet cafes.

Bai Ruyue did not allow him to play on the computer. He had no choice but to go to the Internet cafe.

When Bai Ruyue didn't know, Bai Yanzhi made many friends, and the relationship was very good.

As Bai Yanzhi got older and older, he became increasingly disgusted with Qin Ting.

Later, Bai Yanzhi skipped classes too many times. Even though his grades did not drop much, the school was very annoyed. The head teacher had to call Bai Ruyue to inform him of all this.

When Bai Ruyue knew that it was a semester, Bai Yanzhi skipped class once every two days. If he skipped class, it would be half a day. It was crazy.

Without asking anything at all, he directly beat Bai Yanzhi in front of the teacher, cursing him for being unworthy.

Being beaten in front of everyone, Bai Yanzhi's resentment towards Bai Ruyue reached the extreme.

When this incident passed, Bai Yanzhi didn't change at all. Not only did he skip class, but he didn't read the book. He wanted to go against Bai Ruyue.

Bai Ruyue wants him to stand out, he just wants Keke to fail.

Bai Ruyue asked him to study hard. He just didn't study, skipped class and went out and ghosts outside, clubbing, smoking, premature love, and the things that a young rebellious child could not do.

Gradually, he really fell in love with this life.

In the face of Qin Ting, who is drunk and useless every day, Bai Ruyue is frustrated.

Facing Bai Yanzhi, who was raised to a teenager by her, Bai Ruyue felt desperate after she hadn't called her mother for a long time, and was never as well-behaved as before.

Many times, she wondered whether this was retribution. It was she who destroyed other people's feelings, that's why she came to this day.

If she didn't have a chance and went to disrupt the wedding scene that day, wouldn't all this happen? What she said would still be what she said before?

Until now, she had to admit that when Bai Yanzhi wanted to see her father when she was ill, she went to Qin Ting without thinking about it, and didn't hesitate to disturb his marriage. It was her selfish intentions.

In fact, in her heart, she hoped that Qin Ting would not get married.

Then she succeeded.

She stared blankly at Qin Ting, who was drunk, drinking and eating, and her expression became even more numb.

She raised her head and looked at the doorway. Bai Yanzhi hadn't returned yet.

This night, Bai Yanzhi never came back.

This is not the norm. Even if Bai Yanzhi is not obedient, he will go home every day.

In the morning, Bai Yanzhi still did not come back.

Bai Ruyue was so anxious that she directly called the company to ask for leave. When she was about to find Bai Yanzhi, she received a call from the police station.

When I arrived at the police station, I saw a familiar person there.

The beautiful woman holding a white cat and sitting in a wheelchair, her face seemed like ten years and she didn't know what the passing of time was. Who was it if it wasn't Tang Guo?

Bai Ruyue touched her face subconsciously, and her somewhat old, white, and no longer young and beautiful face was reflected from the glass on one side.