Chapter 2252: Original match for leg deformity (55)

What everyone didn't expect was that after Tang Guo let out his words, the white cat actually made a pitiful expression and moved its body on the wedding dress.

Of course, the speed of moving is very slow. In short, it makes people feel sad.

If this guy was not a cat, they would think it was his wife who was going to marry someone else.

As everyone knows, their guess is very correct.

When everything was properly dressed, Tang Guo sat in front of the dressing table, staring beautifully at the beautiful woman in the mirror wearing a wedding dress and still in a wheelchair.

The white cat seemed to be very restless. Although he didn't dare to touch her things, he ran wildly on the side for a few laps, and finally broke the curtain with his paws.

"This curtain is very expensive, you can't afford it if you sell it."

The white cat stiffened, and finally walked in front of her. It was obviously a cute face, and it happened to stare at her with a pair of pitiful eyes.

Tang Guo saw this, stretched out his hand and pinched his ears, her red lips curled up with a smile, "Be good, don't jump around, take you to get married later."

When Xu Qing came in, he saw the white cat lying on the dressing table with an unlovable look on his face. He couldn't help being amused, "Miss, I will bring the ball for a while, or leave it in the manor."

"It doesn't make trouble, if you're behaved, take it with you."

"If it dares to make trouble, don't bring it."

The system is speechless, and doesn't know what the host is doing, and it even cares about with a cat.

The world of Renjiaqiu is only the host, although it does not want to care about other people. Today, Chaos probably knows that the host is about to get married, so I can't bear it, and I'm afraid.

Xu Qing was not surprised when he heard Tang Guo's words.

Although she has never heard of a cat when she gets married, it does not mean that she has never heard of it.

Her lady is Miss Tang, what about getting a cat to marry? Have the ability to oppose it.

When Qin Ting came to pick Tang Guo, he pushed her wheelchair out, because she wanted to hold the cat, and it would be difficult for Qin Ting to hug her out again.

The crowd onlookers looked at the cat in her arms who was still wearing an exquisitely crafted top hat. The fur seemed to have been well groomed, and there was a bow tie on the neckline. They were all stunned.

If it's a different woman, most people will talk about it and show contemptuous eyes.

And this person is Tang Guo, Tang Yunfeng's daughter, so what if someone married a cat? Just say that the life of this cat may be a level that most people in this world can't reach for a lifetime. What qualifications are there to laugh at her?

Tang Yunfeng didn't think there was anything. How about bringing a cat on such an important day as his baby's marriage? And he looked at this cat quite pleasing to the eye. For so many years, he has been with his precious daughter and is much more reliable than men.

Tang Guo was pushed into the car, and to outsiders, the smile on her face was a happy smile.

When she arrived at the wedding scene, she accidentally saw Cui Yan. Cui Yan noticed her gaze, and looked at her with a very aggrieved look, and almost made her spit out what she had eaten before.

She couldn't help but patted the forehead of the cat in her arms, and whispered, "Disgusting."

Ball: "..." It shouldn't be said that it is disgusting, it looks cute.

Cui Yan actually felt that learning that person's behavior was a bit nauseous and disgusting, but why did this trick work for her?

System: Are you sure it is useful, and not about to make the host sick?