Chapter 2241: Original match for leg deformity (44)

"The one named Cui has been kicked out, are you happy?"

Tang Guo smiled at the corner of her mouth, pinched the white cat's small ears, and gently pinched her palms on its neck. The white cat squinted his eyes, leaning against her very comfortably, looking very enjoyable.

"Do you know that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, it is not allowed to become a fine? I will play it like this in the future, and be careful to be taken into the institute for anatomical study.

The system silently thought to the side, is the host treating this cat too much better? Also cute, saying that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, it is not allowed to be refined.

Without Cui Yan's interruption, Tang Guo's life was full of flavor.

Qin Ting has been very good in all aspects for more than half a year. Although he occasionally remembered that he might not have children, and his heart is a bit complicated, but his own company is booming, it is a happy event.

Bai Ruyue's life is not so easy.

After quitting her job in anger, with the remaining money, it was indeed easy for her to raise a child.

But later, she couldn't really break off with her family. Although her parents were a little weak, they really loved her. She couldn't ignore her relatives all the time.

Although she didn't move back to live there, there was a couple in the family, and she couldn't leave it alone.

Her parents seemed to like Bai Yanzhi's child, and she had never thought about bringing the child to his biological father.

This child is very smart, even if he is only a few years old, he occasionally asks her who his father is.

It is a good thing for children to be smart, but if they are too smart, Bai Ruyue feels a bit complicated.

If such a smart child is not given a good education, will he be delayed?

She thought in her heart that it might be that the man's genes are too good, which makes this child very smart.

Therefore, she must spend a lot of money to raise a child, and the money left after paying off the debt was not enough.

I saw this kid likes to play with computers before, and she bit her teeth to buy him a 30,000 yuan computer, as well as various reference books.

When the child was over one year old, she taught the child to read.

Even if he is very young now, only a few years old, he can understand most of the words.

Bai Ruyue looked at the little hand sitting in front of the computer, constantly typing on the keyboard, a little startled.

"Mom, what are you thinking?"

Bai Ruyue touched Bai Yanzhi's small head and smiled, "Mom is trying to find what kind of school for Yanzhi. Mom is so smart that she must go to a good school."

She can already be sure that her son is a genius.

Ordinary schools are not suitable for him. It is better to go to that kind of genius school. Just go to the genius school, even if Bai Yanzhi has enough IQ and is valued by the school, all aspects are still costly.

"Then why is mom frowning?"

"Is it because of insufficient money?"

Recently, Bai Yanzhi often saw Bai Ruyue talking about money and money, and naturally guessed it.

Bai Ruyue touched his head, "It's really smart, but don't worry, my mother will find a way and will definitely send her to the best school."

After the mother and son finished this conversation, within a few days, Bai Yanzhi took Bai Ruyue and asked her to buy a few lottery tickets according to the number written by him.

Bai Ruyue didn't think much about it, but for the happiness of her son, she bought it for several hundred yuan.

She did not expect that the number written to her by Bai Yanzhi would have won the prize. Not only won the prize, but also won tens of thousands.