Chapter 2062: Male lead essay with female partner (8)

[Wen Yawei]: Hello group owner, is it necessary to communicate with the group? What kind of group is this? To be honest, the plate of roast chicken you just sent was so delicious, I couldn't help it.

Wen Yawei's words caused everyone in the group to laugh.

This newcomer seems very interesting.

The others didn't interrupt, let Tang Guo, the group leader Wen Yawei, explain.

Wen Yawei was stunned when she heard Tang Guo said that the members of this group were from various planes.

She was very excited when she asked if Xiuxian, magic, and interstellar planes were what she imagined.

[Wen Yawei]: It turned out to be like this. I didn't expect such a miracle before I died. Group host, the grilled chicken you just now was so delicious, is there any more? What do you need, I will exchange jewels and gold bars with you.

Wen Yawei has opened the safe here. Seeing that Tang Guo's name is "School Flower", she thinks it is better to send some jewelry.

She glanced at the things in the safe, there were nice jewels and diamonds, and finally chose this nice one and sent it to Tang Guo.

[Wen Yawei]: Can you give me another plate of roast chicken?

She was ready to satisfy her appetite and set off on the road with peace of mind.

Suddenly remembering the pill that was particularly delicious before, she quickly searched the records and found that the name of the pill was "Beauty Pill", and didn't care so much, so she found the person who issued the red envelope.

[Wen Yawei]: The pill tastes good too, Ziyun, I don’t know if you have anything you need. Although it’s not convenient for me to go out, I can order a takeaway service. I am in a mortal world. I don’t know if you have heard of it. . If the name of the group owner is what I think, then you should have said it. If possible, I hope I can exchange two more pills that are a little fragrant, a little sweet, and can relieve pain.

Yes, after she took the pill, she felt that the pain in her body was relieved a lot.

This kind of good thing, she didn't know whether the other party was willing or not, so she could only throw out her own conditions first.

In short, you must die more comfortably.

Having made so much money, she really hasn't enjoyed it much.

[Ziyun]: I have a lot of pills.

When someone praised the pill as delicious, Ziyun was also dumbfounded, but the other party seemed to want to exchange things with him, not thinking of taking advantage, Ziyun was in a better mood.

Since Ji Xiaosi, he has been particularly disgusted with people who like to take advantage of nothing.

[Margaret]: You said that you were going to die after eating? Can you tell me what's going on?

[Chi Xiao]: Yes, I'm alive and well, why should I die? Isn’t it a pity that I have met us now and haven’t known each other?

[Mo Yuntian]: The little girl should be very young. Tell me if you have any difficulties and see if we can help.


People in the group expressed their opinions one after another, and a newcomer with a good personality came. They were really excited.

They had asked Tang Guo before, knowing that even if she was the leader of the group, there was no way to bring people in. It was really a pity.

[School Flower]: If you don’t share your story, you can join the exchange group, which shows that this is also an opportunity.

Wen Yawei thought, she really was.

She hadn't heard of that, grabbing red envelopes can grab a plate of roast chicken.

Now that she is full, she doesn't want to die that much. In that case, it is better to understand what is going on with this group so as not to leave regrets.