"If you don't believe me, just wait and see, don't try to escape from his next class." Han Yunya's beautiful face smiled, "You will lose many opportunities in his class in the future."

Tang Guo asked as he packed his books, "What opportunity is lost?"

"The opportunity to go on errands in class, play on mobile phones, watch small movies, and even skip class. He has been eyeing him. During the entire college period, as long as it is his class, he will let you go back to high school. In the future, any of your homework, topics, and He will pay special attention to the final examination paper, focusing on you."

"Even if you sit in the back row, you can't escape his fiery eyes, and you will even beckon you, saying Tang Guo, what are you doing so far, come to a row." Han Yunya still couldn't help smiling. She patted Tang Guo on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "Congratulations, Tang Guo, you are the second person in this class who was targeted by Old Man Chen."

Tang Guo found out about the style of Professor Chen from his memory. What Han Yunya said was indeed true.

Why does Han Yunya sit in the first row every time?

In fact, sitting in the middle position is the best for viewing angle.

When the university last semester, Han Yunya was the person who was focused on by Professor Chen.

Later, when she sat in another position, when Professor Chen answered the question, he waved her to the first row and said that her voice was too small. He could hear clearly when she sat in the first row and answered the question.

Who says Xueba does not skip class?

Han Yunya also skipped class, but Professor Chen was too impressed by her.

Click on the list to have her contact information.

One day she skipped class, and Professor Chen called her in front of the class.

"I seem to be relieved." Han Yunya said gratefully.

Tang Guo glanced at her, "Not necessarily, we are only two of us. He has so much time in a class, so he can ask us to answer several questions by asking us to answer two questions."

"It doesn't matter, it's good for someone to share some attention anyway."

When she left the classroom, Han Yunya was still holding a book and took the initiative to walk alongside Tang Guo, "I didn't find it before, you are pretty good."

Last semester's test scores of the original owner were just above the middle.

It is said that in universities, you only need 60 points in the exam, and you don't need to pass the subject.

In fact, many people don't know that no matter what school it is, since it has set scores and grades, a good test is definitely better than a poor one.

At sixty minutes, then this can only be called a day of chaos.

"I suddenly wanted to understand it before. I spent more than a semester in a daze, as if I hadn't learned anything. Since I can't find the best direction for the time being, it's better to learn it well."

Han Yunya nodded in agreement, "This idea is correct."

Then, the two of them entered the classroom of another class together, choosing the first row at the same time, and they were sitting next to each other.

Before class, the two exchanged contact information.

Tang Guo looked at Xincari, the two lying contacts with her lips curled. This is her new friend.

She remembered where she read a passage, to the effect that the person who respects you is not because you are good enough, but because the person who respects you is good.

When you are good, you will naturally meet the same people.

Those who are not good enough just look up to you, chase after, and flatter you. Inferiority people don't dare to be equal to you.