As for how to ferment, it depends on Qian Beibei's ability to toss people, and Luo Yicheng's infatuation with Qian Beibei.

Regardless of whether the two succeed or not, as long as they have entanglements, she can retreat and sit down and watch.

Suddenly, Tang Guo felt a line of sight falling on her, raising her eyes to see Gu Ye.

Gu Ye walked towards her with a wine glass, and the woman next to Tang Guo whispered, "Tang Guo, the most unscrupulous, ethical, stingy lawyer came over."

"Let me tell you, what he likes most is to chat with rich wives and sell detective business to rich wives. This guy is simply a cancer in the lawyers world."

"Be careful. If I'm not mistaken, he will definitely sell these products to you. He will also tell you where there are men who do not steal fishy. If so, then this man is either a fearless man or a poor man."

System: Laughing, it turns out that this stingy has such a bad reputation.

"Also, he is not only stingy and stingy, but the asking price is also very high. The biggest advantage is probably that his business ability is really good. If you really have anything, it is really easy to find him, after all, he has no conscience."

"Miss Xu, you are wrong to say that. For you, isn't a lawyer and detective with high professional ability like me what you need?"

The degree of Gu Ye's thick skin made the people around him speechless.

In fact, she knew him, so this Miss Xu wouldn't mind speaking badly about the other party.

Because, he doesn't mind being abused by others, and don't mind being humiliated by others, of course, if he can give him some money and bring countless business.

He might say loudly, please use money to humiliate me.

People spread his reputation like this, not only did not make him unemployed, but more and more people came to him.

This guy only recognizes money. As long as he has money, he can investigate anyone. If he is bold, everyone is afraid. There is a saying in the circle that it is good, don’t provoke Gu Ye if you provoke anyone.

"Miss Tang, long time no see, you are still so beautiful."

Although I see new photos of her every day, it is better to see a real person.

"Long time no see, Lawyer Gu is still the same as before."

When the other people saw that they knew each other, they didn't say much.

In fact, whenever something happened, they did find someone, first of all they found Gu Ye. Apart from others, this guy has the strongest business ability.

Someone asked him why he was so stingy. It was always one reason: to save money to marry a wife.

After saving for so many years, I don’t know how much money he has under his hands, let alone one hundred daughters-in-law can get married?

"Miss Tang, do you plan to get a divorce recently?" Gu Ye asked with interest.

The people around rolled their eyes and asked about the divorce, Tang Qianjin and Mr. Luo are in a good relationship.

Mother Luo and Sister Luo didn't know how satisfied they were with this daughter-in-law, this guy was indeed a malignant tumor.


Gu Ye took a sip of red wine and sighed with regret, "Well, if there is a divorce plan, Miss Tang can notify me as soon as possible."

"I will definitely do it for you."

After speaking, Gu Ye left.

Luo Yicheng saw this scene, and the people around him saw his attention, patted him on the shoulder, and quickly laughed, "Don't mind, that's Gu Ye."