In addition to buying a house, he also bought a car. With his current position, plus the need to take his wife and children to work and school in the future, a car is a must.

In this way, excluding the money needed for the wedding, he spent almost all his savings in the past five years.

Fortunately, he didn't let his parents subsidize a little. It was all his work, working overtime in his free time to do other earning.

From the above point of view, he is a good man who works very hard and is willing to fight.

Everyone, including Luo Yicheng and Qian Beibei, believed that they were about to usher in a happy life.

Never imagined that there was an accident at today's wedding.

When he drove the car excitedly and took the best man team to Qian Beibei's house to get married.

The door couldn't be opened anyhow, no matter how many red envelopes they still got in, the door still didn't mean to open.

Finally, the best man team asked what was going on, and the bridesmaid inside came out saying that it was Niu Jinlan. If you want to take Qian Beibei away, you still need 660,000 yuan as a gift.

When he heard this sentence, Luo Yicheng's heart was cold.

He relentlessly spent five years living in this city and was finally able to marry his sweetheart.

Obviously this was the initial condition of Niu Jinlan, the mother-in-law, and he did not refute it, thinking it was reasonable.

But when he bought a house and a car, he couldn't accept the gift of 660,000 yuan.

He asked the Qian Beibei family to come out to talk, but they did come out. Niu Jinlan still did not let go, saying that if there is no six hundred and sixty thousand, the marriage will not end today.

Luo Yicheng finally turned his gaze on Qian Beibei and asked her, "Babe, just say what you think? Today is the marriage, is it married or not? We have been together for nine years, and the first year is the tenth. Years. It’s been so long in the relationship, do you really want to not marry me today because of these six hundred and sixty thousand gifts?"

"If I Luo Yicheng, today I have nothing, no house, no car, and no struggle for the past five years. If you want a gift, even if it is one million, I Luo Yicheng will accept it."

"Babe, what kind of life I have lived in the past five years, you should understand? After buying a house and a car, the rest is our wedding money, six hundred and sixty thousand yuan, I really can't take it out. I don't want to wait any longer. I don’t want you to wait any longer."

He said so much, he didn't expect Qian Beibei to wait for such a sentence.

"I listen to my mother, it's okay. My mother has high blood pressure, so I can only listen to her, and can't **** her off. What if I get her mad?"

Later, Luo Yicheng said a lot, and Qian Beibei's parents were very excited. Anyway, they were not allowed to get married if they could not spend 660,000.

Luo Yicheng was furious, a blood surged up, pulling aside Tang Guo, his alumnus who had been secretly in love with him, and asked her, "I'm going to marry you, do you want to, if you like, we will leave."

For a crush, it was naturally overjoyed to get a response. Without thinking about anything, he followed Luo Yicheng.

I rented a wedding dress temporarily, took wedding photos, and held the wedding as usual. This hastily, the visitor's expression is strange, the parties are not very happy wedding.

Qian Beibei chased after him, saying that Luo also became crazy.

Luo Yicheng was indeed mad, thinking that Qian Beibei didn't believe it, so he took Tang Guo to get the certificate on the spot, and finally Qian Beibei was angry and left.

Then, it was the scene where Tang Guo came to this world.