Miserable screams could be heard from the secluded cave. Whether it was the powerful Mountain Troll or the weak Mountain Gnomes, none of them were spared from Chen Fann’s Devil Sound Piercing the Ears attack.

Looking at the Mountain Troll that was screaming in pain, Chen Fann’s face was expressionless.

“This is the power of an ant.” The corner of Chen Fann’s mouth curled into a mocking smile.

Unfortunately, the Mountain Troll could no longer be heard.

The Mountain Troll who had fallen into a state of madness, had completely lost its rationality. This kind of symptom was commonly known as losing sanity.

“Although it has an indestructible body, its mind is extremely weak. No matter what Mountain Troll it is, it is just a spiritual dwarf.”

Of course, ridicule was ridicule, Chen Fann thought. Had he been hit by the Devil Sound Piercing the Ears and seen his younger brother being chopped off, he would probably go crazy. No matter how strong his mental strength was, he was still a man!

If it was cut off before being used, wouldn’t it be a waste of his time as a man?

“Let the Evil God calm your chaotic mind. Die, Mountain Troll.”

Chen Fann being a cautious person, didn’t waste any time. He would not be complacent just because of a small victory. He wouldn’t relax until the Mountain Troll was dead.

Therefore, when the Mountain Troll’s mind was in chaos, he used the Evil God to call out to it.

He focused his attention, condensed a powerful mental energy and directly invaded the Mountain Troll’s chaotic brain. Once again, the Mountain Troll’s mind was disturbed, causing it to enter a state of delusion.

It was as if the evil thing that came from the deepest depths of the universe was the dark Evil God.

After entering the state of delusion, the Mountain Troll was able to see the true appearance of the Evil God.

“Ah!  Evil God!”

The Mountain Troll let out a roar. Then, his spirit shattered like glass.

When the frenzied roar of the Mountain Troll came to an abrupt stop, its towering mountain-like body was still standing erect in the cave, as if nothing had happened.

However, Chen Fann knew that the Mountain Troll’s spirit had collapsed and died. It was just an empty shell without a soul or mind.

Chen Fann’s spirit also returned to reality. He panted heavily, whacked by the Mountain Troll’s death.

He supported himself on the wall beside him and broke out in cold sweat. He was extremely weak as if he had experienced a great battle.

This was the first time he had used the Devil Sound Piercing the Ears and the Call of the Evil God. He now realized that using the two abilities drained him mentally.

He had only used them once, yet he already felt powerless. The feeling was even more tiring than doing strenuous physical work.

If he were to use the Evil God’s summoning call again, he would definitely not be able to withstand it.

With his current exhausted spirit, he was simply unable to support the enormous amount of mental energy he had expended when using the call of the Evil God.

He had to close his eyes and rest. After resting, his mental state would be restored to its optimal state before he could use it again.

He originally thought that his mental energy was already powerful enough to use without much pressure. However, he underestimated the terrifying consumption of these two abilities, especially the summoning of the Evil God.

“Host, no wonder it was difficult to speak when I asked you about your abilities. This chant, tsk tsk tsk…” Just as Chen Fann was resting against the wall, the system’s voice suddenly sounded with a hint of ridicule.

Chen Fann rolled his eyes. He knew that the system would scold him, so he did not want to tell the system.

However, the chanting of Devil Sound Piercing the Ears was really… vulgar!

If he could choose, he really didn’t want to use this ability.

However, there was no other way or choice. Currently, he had only learned these two super abilities which were the only ways to kill the Mountain Trolls.

“System, you should take care of your matters first.”  Chen Fann ignored the System’s teasing and changed the topic.

“What about this system?”

“About the source crystallization, didn’t you say that you could use the origin crystal to replenish energy after I kill the Mountain Troll? Where is the origin crystal? Why can’t I see anything?”

Although ten years ago when the system told him about this matter, he suffered a huge mental blow and was not in the mood to pay attention to it, he still remembered what the system said in his heart.

After all, this was related to the problem of extending his lifespan.

He was already forty years old this year, the final period of glory for a man. Whether it was physical strength or energy in all aspects, if he didn’t extend his life and restore his youth, very soon, his life force would rapidly deteriorate, and his physical strength would also be severely reduced.

Alone in the dangerous earth and extremely harsh environment, once his physical strength declined due to aging, it meant death.

“The origin crystal has long been absorbed by this system to replenish its energy. As long as you kill the extraordinary creature, this system will automatically absorb the origin crystal, so I don’t need the host to search for it.” The system explained.

“What exactly is the origin crystal?”  Chen Fann did not ask this question ten years ago, but now that his mental state had recovered, and this was the perfect time to ask it, he could not help but quiz curiously.

After all, after he killed the Mountain Troll, he didn’t feel anything during the entire process. He also didn’t know when the system absorbed the Origin Crystal, so he was very curious about how the system absorbed it.

He also thought that the source crystal was something similar to the magical beast crystals in the fantasy novels that he had read before, but he didn’t see anything.

“The source crystal is the source of life, the crystallization of elements. Only the extraordinary creatures have its form, it can’t be seen with the naked eye, and it can’t be sensed. It’s just a type of energy that replenishes the system, and it’s only useful to it.”

Chen Fann was confused, but he roughly understood what the system meant. In short, this thing was only useful to the system. It might not even exist for other creatures. After all, they couldn’t sense it.

Thinking about it, it made sense. The system was a special existence and the only way to obtain energy was definitely different from that of living creatures. Otherwise, the system would not be the system.

“System, you absorbed the source crystal to replenish energy. Can you extend my life now?”  Chen Fann did not ask about the crystal anymore. In comparison, he was more concerned about extending his life.

“Not yet.”

However, he didn’t expect the system to give him a negative answer.

“Why? Didn’t you say that as long as I kill this Mountain Troll, it will help me prolong my life?”  Chen Fann said angrily.

Could it be that this little system was trying to trick him again?

“Host, it takes a lot of energy to extend your life and restore your youth. One Mountain Troll is simply insufficient to replenish this system’s energy. At most, it can only increase the host’s lifespan by 20 years. Furthermore, the host will continue to age, so it’s useless to forcefully extend the host’s life. Instead, it will be a waste of energy. “

“Then what should we do?”  Chen Fann asked angrily.

“It’s very simple. Continue hunting the surrounding extraordinary creatures!”