Chapter 630: Not a chaotic field (2)

Name:Trash of the Count's Family Author:
Chapter 630 – Not a chaotic field 2

“Then I’m going to hurry over to my mom! I must hurry!”

Dodori seemed to be in a rush as he ran toward the terrace.

– ...Human! Are you scamming the pink Dragon? Are you going to smack him from behind? Why else would you be smiling like that? Grandpa Ron told me to let him know if you do anything weird! This is a difficult decision!

Cale still had a gentle smile on his face as he warmly continued to speak.

“Dodori-nim, there’s no need to be in such a rush.”

“No, no! My mom might not open the door to the farm for me! I stole a box of fruit from the orchard to pay for stuff when I ran away from home! Hahahaha!”

‘Hmm? A farm? An orchard?’

– Human! He said a farm! It’s a Dragon that runs an orchard! I can’t believe there’s a Dragon that grows food! What a truly magnificent Dragon!

Cale turned to the side after oddly feeling a heated gaze from next to him.

He could see Choi Han standing there.

Choi Han had his usual innocent looking face but his eyes were burning up. Cale thought about Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk’s little hope for him.

Choi Han was looking at Dodori with a somewhat sad gaze. Cale suddenly got the chills. He felt as if he should quickly send Dodori on his way.

“Dodori-nim, please have a safe trip!”

Dodori was now standing on the terrace railing. He smiled brightly and waved toward the two humans and one young Dragon who were there to say goodbye.

“Bye! I’ll make sure not to die from my mom’s beating and come back alive!”


Dodori left those scary words behind as he disappeared.

Raon flew back inside and made a short comment about the meeting they just had.

“Human! The pink Dragon seems about fifty percent similar to the crazy Clopeh! I really want to go visit the farm and orchard!”

“I truly wish to go visit it as well.”

Cale brushed aside Choi Han’s determined comment. He was quite happy right now.

The crown prince had been stealthily searching for Dragons for a while with the help of the Dark Elves and Elves. Eruhaben and Sheritt were helping him as well, but they had had no results until now.

‘It’s impossible to find all of the Dragons.’

Now that the White Star might attack Puzzle City or somewhere else in the near future, it was better to gather the forces they had right now.

That was why Cale was focusing on other issues over finding the Dragons.

‘But a Dragon walked in on his own! And there are two of them!’

He started to think about Dodori’s mom.

‘Eruhaben-nim is the most ancient Dragon. The fact that she could call Eruhaben-nim an arrogant Dragon must mean that she is younger than Eruhaben-nim but still about the same age.’

He had no idea as to how strong she would be.

The smile on Cale’s face only continued to grow bigger.

– Human! Your smile looks fishy!

That was why he ignored Raon’s comment and prepared to sleep.

“Then I will see you tomorrow, Cale-nim. Please don’t forget about the orchard.”

Choi Han left as well and Cale laid down on his bed. He could only curl up on the side because Raon had already taken the center of the bed.


Cale could not help but laugh.

Deruth had a lot of strong individuals gathered here by using his money. There were also two Dragons.

He didn’t do much to gather all of these extra pieces, but Cale was very happy about the increase in their forces.


He continued to chuckle as he fell asleep.

He had not slept so well in a long time.

* * *

The next day.

10 am. It was still pretty warm for being in the middle of November.

“...What is that?”

Cale had woken up from his first good sleep in a long time and was now sitting on the couch looking outside.

He could see outside the high fence of the house because his bedroom was on the third floor.

“...Why are people gathered there throwing flower petals and shiny powder?”

They were in the capital, but this was the noble district so it was generally quiet.

Most of the houses here were generally empty because they all stayed within their own territories unless they worked in the capital.

This area was usually much quieter compared to the market or plaza where all residents traversed on a daily basis.

“It’s supposed to be a quiet place......”

That’s how it had always been.

However, the area in front of the Henituse Estate and the nearby area felt as if it was the middle of a festival.

There were close to two or three hundred people out there.

“Human! Can I go see what’s going on?”


“Alright! I’ll be back in 30 minutes! We need to go to the palace together to eat!”

Raon turned invisible and quickly flew out while Choi Han brought him a cup of tea.


Cale flinched for a moment.

“Beacrox told me to make sure you got your tea. He said that this lemon tea was made with newly preserved lemons.”

“...Uh... Sure.”

“Oh, and here is an apple pie. Raon took some out for you.”

“Ah... Sure.”

The large pile of apple pies made Cale’s pupils start to shake.

However, Cale drank the lemon tea first, feeling a sense of longing and joy.

At that moment...

– Human! All of them! All of them!

He suddenly heard Raon’s urgent voice.


Cale jumped up after hearing Raon’s pressing tone.

The lemon tea almost spilled from the cup.

– Human!

Raon continued to shout.

– Everybody is saying that you are great and mighty! They are saying that the hero who will never be seen in this world ever again has returned! That’s why they’ve all run out onto the streets with joy!

Last night...

Cale shook his head after hearing Alberu telling him to eat.

“No, I really am full. I ate some apple pie and drank some lemon tea earlier.”

He probably ate three full apple pies.

He might have drunk 1 liter of lemon tea along with it.


It was now Alberu’s turn to sigh and shake his head.

‘He’s saying he’s full after having a cup of tea and one slice of pie.’

Those were probably small snacks they gave him in the morning.

Alberu felt as if he knew the reason behind Cale’s feeble nature.

‘...Pitiful bastard.’

Cale suddenly got upset after seeing Alberu look at him with a pitying gaze, however, he started to snicker since this future king said that he would be allowed to be a slacker.

Alberu looked at him with an even more of a pitying gaze and Cale was about to get even more upset when...

Knock knock knock!

They heard some urgent knocks on the door.

“Your highness!”

They heard the Chief of Staff’s pressing voice.

“Commander Toonka of the Whipper Kingdom and Queen Litana of the Jungle have arrived!”

There was still a lot of time until the meeting.

However, these two key players had arrived much earlier than expected.

“Mm. Come on in.”

Alberu slowly got up from his chair.

Raon urgently turned invisible while Choi Han reached for his sword he had placed beside him.

‘Did something urgent happen?’

‘Maybe. This is weird.’

Alberu and Cale exchanged glances and stiffened up.

Litana and Toonka. Both of them were very busy people, and based on the Chief of Staff’s voice, they must have rushed here for a reason.

The Chief of Staff opened the door and came in as he shouted.

“They are both looking for young master Cale Henituse-nim!”


“Excuse me?”

‘Who? They’re looking for me?’

Cale subconsciously looked past the Chief of Staff’s shoulder into the hallway.

Toonka was charging over as if he was a wild boar that was looking for food in the middle of the winter.

“My friend! My one and only close friend! My buddy! Where are you?!”

He was crying as well.

He looked... quite scary.

“Mm. Commander Toonka. You might come off disrespectful. Although it is probably more proper to wait according to the Roan Kingdom’s etiquette, I will follow you to stop you if you insist on going.”

Litana was following behind him with an awkward smile on her face. Her large black panther was naturally by her side.

The two of them looked as if they were embarrassed but tagging along to stop Toonka.


However, their eyes were sparkling as if they were looking for prey they must hunt in order to survive in the jungle.

“...Should I run away-”

Alberu and Choi Han avoided his gaze after hearing Cale mumble.

It was at that moment.

– Human! In the sky above the palace!

Cale heard Raon’s shocked voice.

A majestic voice filled his head at that moment as well.

– Hmm. Are you Cale Henituse?

It was an unfamiliar voice.

– I am Dodori’s mother.

As Cale slowly started to open his mouth...

– Human! There seems to be a Dragon in the sky outside the barrier protecting the palace!

There was a dome-shaped magic barrier above the Roan palace.

Just outside that barrier... There was a Dragon in the sky.

Cale did not expect Dodori to come back so soon.

Dodori and Dodori’s mom were both up there.

– But there are three of them!


– One more seems to have suddenly appeared!

He heard Dodori’s mom’s voice.

– ...Oh, are there others you invited aside from my son and me?

‘No, there aren’t.’

Cale wanted to respond.

However, he could not do so.

He suddenly heard a sloth-like voice in his head.

– Wow~ there’s all sorts of weirdos gathered here. Hoooo, there are three Dragons as well. I’ve never seen this before. You were looking for me?

The slightly thuggish voice added on.

– Didn’t you send the Dark Elves to look for me? They’ve been so damn loud. Do you want to die?

The Dragon that Mayor Obante had seen in the past.

– How dare you make it so loud that I wake up from my slumber? How dare a mere human do that? Do you want me to fuck you up?

Toonka, Litana, and her black panther entered the room Cale was in at that moment.

“Oh, my dearest friend!”

“Young master Cale!”


They then saw it.

“H, hahahahaha!”

They saw Cale laughing out loud.

‘Dragons just keep coming! This is not a chaotic field but a field of Dragons!’

Cale couldn’t help but laugh, not because of joy but because he couldn’t believe what was going on.