"More ten days before your Trans.m.u.tation," Minhyun voiced out.

Hearing his sudden words, Soohyun's eyes widened. Although she knew that her time for Trans.m.u.tation was nearing, she did not expect for it to come this soon.

Laying down on the bed beside Minhyun, she found herself unable to move after the training with Jihoon. Jihoon showed no mercy towards her, and to her, it seemed as if he did not hold back on his skills.

Recalling about how he beat her up in the attack and defense session, Soohyun found herself being reluctant to attend those sessions with Jihoon for ten more days. 

"Ten more days? You must be really confident about me then," Soohyun voiced out.

"You're improving at a steady rate, and the chances of you surviving rose up to fifteen percent," Minhyun vocalised.

"Fifteen percent? Only fifteen percent so far? I thought it will be higher after all those effort I put into it!" Soohyun said as she let out a sigh.

"That's why, practice harder to rise to chances to at least eighty to eighty five. The process isn't easy, and you need to be stronger mentally as well— remember that," Minhyun voiced out.

Taking in a deep breath, Soohyun nodded and said, "For myself and you, I will do this regardless of how tough this is."

"It is nice to see you adding my name into it," Minhyun said— his tone holding amus.e.m.e.nt.

"I don't want others calling me selfish," Soohyun pointed out as a chuckle left her mouth.

Hearing Soohyun's words, he shook his head and stated, "Just go to sleep now. You have to wake up at three for more training."

That's when, Soohyun recalled about something. Jimin had confirmed to her earlier on how Eunwoo had agreed to go hiking with her on the day after tomorrow and also texted her the location for the hiking.

"Minhyun-ah, what do you think about outdoor practicing at some type of hiking spots? Wouldn't that be more effective?" Soohyun questioned whilst raising one of her eyebrows and making her voice sound serious. 

Trying to keep her emotions under control, she stared straight at Minhyun. She was sure that Minhyun wouldn't be able to guess much from her emotions for those were her honest thoughts. Practicing in the mountains might be more effective.

Soohyun then continued, "Hiking might strengthen my senses and increase my endurance. It will also amplify my stamina, and nature is refreshing."

"There is nothing wrong with your words," Minhyun vocalised.

That's when, a bright smile formed upon Soohyun's face, and she exclaimed, "Does that mean you agree!?"

"Training at hiking spots will be harder, and if you're up for it, sure," Minhyun said.

"At this point, I think I needed harder training," Soohyun voiced out— hesitancy showing in her tone.

She then added, "Let's bring everyone along, alright— Jihoon, Yejoon, and Chaeyoung? Too bad, Junghyun can not come."

"Jihoon can come along, but there is no use for rest two," Minhyun vocalised.

"If Yejoon and Chaeyoung practice with me, wouldn't it provoke my compet.i.tive spirit to practice harder?" Soohyun asked whilst wearing a wide smile on her face.

Hearing her words, a chuckle left Minhyun's mouth, and wearing a smirk upon his face, he said, "Compet.i.tive spirit? When did you have that?"

"Yah! Minhyun, how could you say that!? When a reward is involved, I do get compet.i.tive!" Soohyun exclaimed.

"Expected," Minhyun vocalised, "Without a reward, your lazy compet.i.tive spirit will never come to surface."

"Minhyun, I can see you making an enemy out of all the lazy people out there in the future," Soohyun said, "Be careful of what you say."

Sitting at their living room, a tense expression sat on Ahyoung's and Seungmin's face. Pushing back the door, Jimin entered into the room whilst wearing a wife smile upon her face. However, noticing the expression on her parent's face, her happiness dimmed down, and worry showed on her face.

Walking towards her parents, Jimin asked, "What's the matter, Mom, Dad?"

As Jimin was preparing for her hiking trip, a maid informed her that her parents were calling her due to some urgent matter, and curious on what it could be, she went towards the living room.

"Jimin Dear, sit down first," Ahyoung vocalized.

Nodding, Jimin sat down beside Ahyoung, and on Ahyoung's other side was Seungmin. Frowns were visible on both of their face, and Ahyoung held on to Jimin's hand.

"Jimin-ah, can you do us a favour please?" Ahyoung questioned pleadingly— her voice showing desperation.

Wondering about what it could be, Jimin expressed, "Of course I will, but what is it, Mom?"

After letting out a sigh, Moon Seungmin vocalized, "You see, Jimin, couple of our regular investors are reluctant to put their money in our latest project, and considering the lost of sales which have been happening last couple of months, our business might be on the verge of bankrupt if you don't have sufficient amount of investment for our next project."

Hearing those words, shock filled Moon Jimin, and her eyes widened. She had a hard time believing all these. When did their family business go so bad? Wasn't it doing all fine when she was abroad?

"Mom, Dad, how did this happen?" Jimin questioned.

Ahyoung answered, "We have no idea. A possibility of some other company being involved is really high."

Narrowing her eyes, Jimin asked, "Which company do you suspect, Mom?"

As Ahyoung showed hesitancy, Jimin glanced at her father, and he vocalised, "Yong Group. There is a high possibility of Yong Group trying to obstruct our path."

"Y-Yong Group?" Jimin managed to stutter out.

If Yong Group was attempting to bring down Moon Enterprise, then there was truly no hope for them. Yong Group had its branches spread out throughout the world, and even Eunwoo wouldn't be able to go against him.

"Why would Yong Group do such a thing against us? We have no relation with them or did not offend him in any way unless or until…" Jimin said whilst looking at the ground and thinking.

Staring up towards her parents, she continued, "Jiwoo! Jiwoo is married to Minhyun! Could it be that she had offended him or said him to do such a thing?"