"So, this is what you're doing?" Oh Chaeyoung questioned.

Ahn Eunwoo removed his finger from Chaeyoung's bottom lip, and although Moon Jimin felt anger towards Chaeyoung for interrupting, she knew that she could not show that on her face.

A red blush formed on her face as Jimin backed away from Eunwoo. Jimin immediately fixed her skirt by pulling it down, and raising her head to look at Chaeyoung, Jimin vocalised, "Chaeyoung, there is nothing between us. Both of us were just discussing about wine, and Eunwoo comforted me when I got scared from the sound above."

Folding her arms across her chest, Chaeyoung stared at Eunwoo, and when Eunwoo said nothing, Chaeyoung's eyes showed disappointment. Turning her back on Eunwoo, she was about to walk away. A smile almost formed on Jimin's face.

"Noona, I will have to go now," Eunwoo voiced out, causing for the smile to disappear from Jimin's face.

Putting on a worried expression, Jimin said, "You should. If you want, I can help you explain."

"Thanks, Jimin Noona." 

Eunwoo flashed a gentle smile towards Moon Jimin before rushing behind Oh Chaeyoung. Moon Jimin's eyes showed hatred as her fingers tightly clenched into the material of her dress. 

Chaeyoung stopped when she reached the backyard of Moon Mansion. The shouts had calmed down by now, and the frightened guests were beginning to leave.

The police gathered all around the place, trying to find the cause behind this attack, and the Moon family apologized to the guests continuously whilst bowing their heads for the commotion.

Ahn Eunwoo dashed after Oh Chaeyoung, and seeing her stand in the middle of the backyard, he wrapped his arms around her. Holding his wrist, Chaeyoung tried to remove them from around her. 

"Let go!" Chaeyoung exclaimed as she struggled in Ahn Eunwoo's hold.

"I won't," Eunwoo voiced out whilst he hugged Chaeyoung more tightly. Placing his face in the crook of her neck, Eunwoo nuzzled his nose softly into her soft skin.

"What are you doing, Ahn Eunwoo? You should just go and enjoy your time with Moon Jimin," Chaeyoung said. A pout sat on her face.

"Is my Youngie jealous?" Eunwoo teased.

Light pink blush covered Chaeyoung's face, and she stared at the ground shyly. Opening her mouth, she said, "What are you talking about? Why will I even be jealous? You should just go and—"

Before Oh Chaeyoung could continue, Ahn Eunwoo held her shoulders and turned her around. Oh Chaeyoung's eyes widened in surprise when Eunwoo placed his lips on top of hers.

As Chaeyoung struggled against the kiss and tried to pull away, Eunwoo held her waist and deepened their pa.s.sionate kiss. After a while, Oh Chaeyoung wrapped her hands around Eunwoo's neck and starting responding to the kiss in an equal fervor.

After both of them pulled away from the kiss, Chaeyoung's eyes glared at Ahn Eunwoo, and she vocalised, "When the attack happened, I was so scared and searched for you. Instead of being by my side, you're enjoying your time with Jimin Unnie. Since you prefer her, you can just go to her."

Ahn Eunwoo bowed and said, "This is all my fault, and I am sorry, Chaeyoung-ah. I did not mean to hurt you. Jimin Noona just wanted me to taste some wines and give my opinion on them. Thinking that it would be too rude to reject, I agreed. 

In the middle of drinking wine, the sudden sound was heard, and Jimin Noona is easily scared. I just held her shoulder in order to comfort her. I harbor no such feelings toward her, and she is just an older sister to me. You know that Jimin Noona helped me a lot when I was younger, right?"

Oh Chaeyoung nodded and then said, "This better be the last time, and you're not allowed to be this charming."

Leaning down, Ahn Eunwoo kissed on Chaeyoung's cheek and said, "Okay!"

Hugging Chaeyoung's waist, Eunwoo pulled her closer to him and added, "Why is my wife this attractive when she is jealous?"

Seo Jihyun appeared in the room, and held within his hand were three blankets. Lee Soohyun had calmed down considerably by now, and her body trembled due to the cold. Han Minhyun's cold body was not helping Soohyun. 

Seo Jihyun bowed, and walking over to Han Minhyun, he handed him the blankets. Accepting the blankets from Seo Jihyun, Han Minhyun placed them over Soohyun and wrapped her in them.

Even though she felt the comfort of the blankets, Lee Soohyun kept her eyes wide open. The corpse of that Feral would float around before her the moment she closed her eyes, and therefore, she did not dare shut her eyelids.

As Han Minhyun stood up from the couch, his body instantly collapsed, and he fell down with his knees supporting him up. Lee Soohyun let out a gasp at that, and her eyes stared at Minhyun with concern. Seo Jihyun's eyes widened.

"Boss," Jihyun voiced out whilst bending down to Minhyun's height and holding him by his shoulder in order to support him.

Holding a handkerchief, Han Minhyun coughed, and as Han Minhyun removed the handkerchief from in front of his mouth, Soohyun could see how it was stained in red.

"B-Blood," Soohyun mumbled.

Han Minhyun was coughing blood, and Lee Soohyun found herself being worried for the man in front of her.

"Boss, you have exerted yourself too much again. How long has it been for you since you did not have blood? What about the blood supply? Where did you put that?" Jihyun vocalised.

"No blood," Minhyun said before he started to cough again. More blood drenched the previously white handkerchief.

Lee Soohyun recalled about how the members of the Red Clan survived on blood and made a note that if members of the Red Clan used a lot of their power, they might reach a state like Minhyun's. In order to cure themselves, they would need a supply of blood.

"Boss, what do you mean by no blood? Is there not even a packet of it?" Jihyun questioned.

Han Minhyun shook his head. A sharp pain went through his chest, and his hand pressed tightly held on his chest in order to calm down the pain. He began to cough more blood, and his lips were stained with red.

Seo Jihyun began to panic. Judging by the state his boss was at, his blood might not work, and turning back, his eyes fell upon on Lee Soohyun. 

His boss' situation was too serious, and Jihyun's blood supply ran out as well. There was no time for him to gather blood from other sources, and Soohyun was the only option left.