"Diversity?" Tuoba Zhike was really angry and laughed, "I can't see it, you are so coquettish?"

Shen Yan, though he is very angry, he knows how to handle himself in front of the people he likes. But now, he is dizzy, and his words are full of nonsense: "are you not the same? If you don't dress well, you'll take a bath slowly! "

Shen Yan rolled up his sleeve, pointed to himself with his thumb, and said triumphantly, "I just want to see a beautiful husband. What's the matter? The key is that the skin is whiter than you! "

Tuoba's eyes were round. He was so depressed that he pointed to himself and said, "do you think I'm black?"

"Where are you black? You are sexy bronze Shen Yan's brain is in a mess. Some of the things he has seen in the past begin to run around. He will say whatever information he catches.

Tuoba was stunned. The anger and jealousy of the original cavity were dispelled by this obvious praise. It was not crying or laughing for a while.

Forget it. What does he care about with a man who is not clear headed? I am also confused! Tuoba shook his head in a funny way and decided not to argue with his silly daughter-in-law.


"By the way, what's the name of that gentleman just now?" The silly daughter-in-law asked expectantly.

Tuoba suddenly felt myocardial infarction, and his face was blacker than coal again. He said: "no! Know! "Yes

Shen Yan frowned and pursed: "how can you not know? Isn't he a court judge? How can a Khan not know his name? "

Tuoba Zhi's face was as black as ink. He couldn't breathe. He said: "if you don't know, you don't know!"

"You know it!" Shen Yan's brain is short circuited now. He just wants to know the name of the white court verdict.

Tuoba holds seven tips to smoke, gnashing his teeth and saying: "you shut up!"

Shen Yan was so aggrieved that he said: "you are so cruel to me Well!! "

The words behind are all blocked between the lips and teeth.

"No..." Shen Yan is very dissatisfied and desperately wants to talk, but he has no chance at all - Tuoba Zhi, the dog man, completely occupies his lips.

It's not human!!!

Shen Yan's heart bleps the dog, and he desperately wants to make a sound: "Oh..."

Tuoba Zhi, however, did not let him go. He pressed over again and asked bitterly, "do you still want to know the name of the white court verdict?"

Shen Yan's brain is already sober, and he knows that he just let the man upset the vinegar jar. However, he sighed comfortably and said lazily: "I want to..."

"Still want to?" Tuoba's jealousy is another round of attack.

Shen Yan is like a boat. He thinks it's a wonderful day. Dog man's fighting power in jealousy is really good.

I don't know what's going on.

Shen Yan looked out of the window. The setting sun was drunk in the west mountain, and the sky was gorgeous and beautiful.

"Where are you looking?" Tuoba Zhi is even more angry. His daughter-in-law is distracted when doing this kind of thing with him!! That's too much!!!