After being stunned, Zhang Yuan gave a cold smile and said angrily, "I've worked hard for your majesty, but what have I got in the end? I can't even keep my only son

Du Zhi's face changed slightly, obviously did not expect that the problem would be here, but it was really reasonable, it was his own miscalculation.

"Zhang Yilang committed treason." Du Zhi said coldly, "it was the law that the former Emperor wanted to kill him at that time. Don't say I can't save him. Even if I can, I won't save him. "

Zhang Yuan judged that jair was about to split, and growled angrily: "Ichiro is the only son of the old minister!! For your Majesty's sake, I almost lost my life!! Can't your majesty give Ichiro a way out of his loyalty? "

Shen Yan couldn't listen any more and frowned: "one yard to one yard! Your majesty is talking to you about the law of the country. You have to be kind to your majesty! "

"It's unreasonable Zhang Yuan ruled that there was a lacrimal passage.

"The law does not hold water!" Shen Yan said with a smile, "what's more, your family's only Miao helped the Turks to open the city gate at the beginning, and killed many innocent people in the capital. Don't you count them in your heart? It's like this kind of scum. Your majesty begged to leave him a whole body. It's your face. Do you still want to protect his life? Oh, where can you ask for justice from those families who have lost their loved ones? "

Zhang Yuan judged that his eyes were tearful and his hair was gray. He looked very pitiful and said in a trembling voice: "Ichiro was also confused for a while..."

"No matter how confused he is, he's a 28 year old man!" Shen Yan sneered and said, "I've been idling around all day. I don't have the ability to do anything, but I've been daydreaming that I can do earth shaking things. Oh, what's the result? He colluded with Turks and helped the enemy enter the capital. Now everyone knows about him, but he is not famous, but has a bad memory! "

"What's wrong with Ichiro trying to do something big?" Zhang Yuan said, "he just found the wrong way, can't you give him a chance to reform?"

Do you give the innocent people a chance to die

"Those are just Untouchables..." Zhang Yuan said this in a hurry, and then suddenly closed his mouth, knowing that his words were too much.

"Oh Shen Yan gave a cold smile and said, "a pariah? If my palace remembers correctly, is Zhang Yuan's verdict just a cloth family? Aren't you just a pariah? In Zhang Yuan's eyes, ordinary people without official status are just humble people. They can't be compared with your childe, can they? "

Zhang yuanfen's face was slightly stiff and his tears kept flowing. He looked very pitiful. If people don't know, they think it's two young guys who are bullying him.

"Hum!" Shen Yan snorted coldly, and said, "I tell you, Zhang Yilang's bad behavior of betraying his country and seeking honor is beyond his reach even as a pariah! The pariah is at least a human being. Zhang Yilang is not even an individual! "

Zhang Yuanzhi's lips trembled, his eyes cracked and his nose runny. He cried without scruple: "Yilang has not been forced by people like you! He's not a bad person. If you didn't look down on him, would he have gone astray?!! You forced him to make a mistake, why can't you give him a chance to correct it