It's hard to imagine what it's like to take off your make-up.

Thinking about this, Du Zhi suddenly realized a serious problem, "madam, it seems that you don't take off your makeup every night?"

"How troublesome it is to remove makeup." Shen Yan didn't think so. "Anyway, the next day, when the maid put on my make-up, she would wash my face and remove my make-up first."

Du Zhi frowned and said, "but I heard that If you don't take off your make-up, your face will rot

"Ah Shen Yan was shocked, and his heart was filled with infinite fear. He said anxiously, "that, that I'll take it off now! "

Du Zhi saw that his princess had already turned around in her wheelchair and said with a smile, "well, I don't need to use it now. Just take it off before going to bed."

Shen Yan still felt uneasy, thinking that he had been sleeping with makeup for several nights, his heart began to bleed. If he was disfigured, he would beat Du Zhi's dog head!!!

"What am I doing?" Du Zhi said he was innocent.

"Didn't you remind me earlier that I shouldn't be beaten?" Shen Yan said, then he bent his fingers and hit the dog man on the head.

Du Zhi is speechless, suddenly feel his head is broken? So longitudinal a man disguised as a woman's Princess every day in his head mischief!

Kyoto west city is very prosperous and has a lot of fun.

Shen Yan, playing with hoops, hit a hundred shots and won most of the things on the other people's shop.

Other players were also stunned. This kind of game is usually dominated by young lovers, or the husband accompanies his wife to play and watch the girl throw a ferrule there, or the wife watches him play and the husband shows off his skills.

But we never thought that there would be such a master! It's a delicate girl who looks so delicate. As a result, the ferrule is playing so well that it doesn't miss a single time.

Compared with other people, men and women are eclipsed in a moment.

The boss's face is bleak and his heart is bleeding. Where's the master? This is a special way to smash the scene, isn't it? How can we do this business if we take all the things he put out?

Du Zhi felt funny and secretly told the bodyguard to give some silver to the boss. After all, small businesses, small people can not afford to lose.

On the second floor of the opposite restaurant, Bai Yixuan knocked the folding fan into his palm, and the corner of his mouth was crooked up. Oh, these three princesses are really capable.

Previously, because of his physical problems, the third prince had a sinister temperament and was unwilling to talk to others, let alone go out. But the third princess married into the palace less than a month ago. First, she made the third prince better. Now she even coaxed the third prince into taking a wheelchair to the street.

It's very interesting, but it's not very good-looking. Bai Yixuan's folding fan is full of interest.

On the street.

Shen Yan is very interested. He plays here and there.

One of the turntable games is to compare strength. Shen Yan easily got the highest score. If he got such a result as a man, it would be OK. The problem is that he is dressed in women's clothes and is still petite.

All the people present, men and women, were stunned. In particular, a group of Langjun, not only gaping, but also suffered a huge blow, quietly launched the soul question in the bottom of their hearts: are they not as strong as a woman???

Seeing this, Du Zhi couldn't help laughing.

They played for a day. Back to the palace, Bai Yixuan had been waiting.