Shen Yan was stunned and inexplicable. A surge of joy and emotion came to his heart. Suddenly, his throat was a little sore. Silent for a moment, he gently laughed, with his own did not notice the gentle tone: "Duzhi, I am very happy."

Du Zhi couldn't help smiling. He was also very happy.

Before, he always wanted to bind Shen Lang with a clear thing. But later, he gradually felt that he did not need this kind of thing.

Shen Lang is his. He is always by his side.

Du Zhi sometimes thinks that he is really inflated.

But this inflation is also given by Shen Lang.

Who told Shen Lang to like himself so much?

Du Zhixi Zizi, raised his face to kiss his wife, arrogant way: "happy is good."

The complacency in the tone is almost overflowing, and it looks like it has settled Shen Yan.

Shen Yan can't help laughing. This dog man is really narcissistic.

That's all. Narcissism comes from self indulgence. He would rather see Du Zhi stinking in front of him all day, than see Du Zhi without a sense of security.

Thirty years later.

Mr. Du has white hair.

Shen Yan's accomplishments have risen a lot. Although the world has almost suppressed his skills to zero, he can still use some simple skills, such as making himself grow old with age.

"This rose fruit is said to be good for beauty..." Du Zhi holds a magnifying glass to observe little fruit, just like a senior beauty expert.

Shen Yan smiles. Since one day the dog man found that he had white hair, he began to pay special attention to maintenance. His favorite thing every day is to discuss with him how to maintain his body.

"Well, if it looks useful, buy it." Shen Yan smiles.

Although I'm not old, it's interesting to discuss how to maintain my face with the dog man every day.

This life, two people accompany for life, die.


Shen Yan took back a wisp of ghost again. After a period of integration cultivation, he obviously felt that his accomplishments had increased a lot. It was said that it was impossible to go too far in a day.

Of course, he also obviously felt some subtle changes in his character.

For example, in terms of words and deeds, he will unconsciously be a little Waves.

Shen Yan didn't feel embarrassed. He just felt guilty. It is said that a dissolute person usually has peach blossom problems. He is worried that he has caused a lot of peach blossom debts before

"Ancestor, no good!" The king of hell ran into the inner hall, and his black hair band with a red gold border floated up.

"What's so flustered?" Shen Yan straightened his clothes.

"Someone's attacking the border of the ghost land!" The king of hell was anxious to go to the fire tunnel.

Thousands of years ago, Shen Yan did a very important and correct thing when he was unconscious after he calmed down the chaos in Fengdu ghost area - he bound the whole ghost area.

It is hard for the outside world to detect the existence of the ghost Kingdom, let alone break into the ghost kingdom.

But who ever thought that after thousands of years of calm, someone broke the barrier and even attacked. What a terrible strength?!!

"Don't panic."

Shen Yan's accomplishments are not high, but they are not low, so he has a strong voice.

The dark broad sleeves embroidered with red silk thread and flowers on the other side of the river suddenly wave, and a cloud mirror appears in the air, which shows the situation of the border at this time.

Shen Yan only took a look, and his face suddenly changed.