"Shut up!" Shen Chengyan became angry and angry. With a wave of Guangxiu, a strong wind came.

Shen Yan dodged the danger and sneered: "I don't even dare to admit that I like it. It's really cowardly."

"I don't know!" Shen Chengyan flies to attack, cold voice way, "Du Zhi that kind of brain full of love fool also deserve me to like?"?!! I'm all over the world. What is he?!! Who can afford to say "like"

Shen Yan's heart moved. He was too proud and conceited. For Shen Chengyan, he likes Du Zhi. It's Du Zhi's honor.

But Du Zhi didn't like him. Shen Chengyan was so ashamed and angry. From this moment on, liking him became an insult. Gao Ao, like Shen Chengyan, naturally refuses to admit Du Zhi.

"Let me guess, on the day of the decisive battle of Guyue peak, Du Zhi really fell behind. However, he did not fall into your hands, but successfully escaped. You brought me here to use me to lead him out, didn't you Shen Yan said with a leisurely smile.

Shen Chengyan, intending to be seen through by the other party, is more angry and fiercer.

On the day of the decisive battle, he deliberately revealed to Du Zhi that Shen Yan had been captured alive. Although Du Zhi was suspicious, he must have been confused.

The martial arts of the two people are equal, and they rely on their close proximity. Shen Chengyan takes advantage of Du Zhi's distraction to hurt him.

Shen Chengyan naturally didn't want Du Zhi to die.

He just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to abolish Du Zhi, and then imprison this man by his side, let him be his own puppet, give and take, there is no possibility of resistance.

But who knows, for mountain nine Ren failure!

Du Zhi was injured and escaped!!

Shen Chengyan was so angry that he didn't pretend to be harmonious. He sent out the leader of killing in the river and lake, threatened that the Wulin League and Wanyun sect would not share the same fate, and vowed to eradicate the demon sect.

However, the location of the demon cult is so secret that people can't find it. Shen Chengyan wants to find Du Zhi and destroy Du Zhi's dependence, but it doesn't work for the time being.

If one plan fails, another will come.

Shen Chengyan thought of Du Zhi's wife, Shen Yan.

He wanted to chop Shen Yan up and feed the dog.

But in order to lead Du Zhi out, he can only leave Shen Yan's humble life temporarily.

When Shen Yan wakes up from a coma, he deliberately releases the news that Du Zhi is dead to scare the other party. He wants to see Shen Yan's frightened appearance.

Who knows, this man is not in the trap at all!

Shen Chengyan is annoyed, but what he didn't expect is that next, Shen Yan asks him if he likes Du Zhi.

Shen Chengyan's embarrassment and anger can be imagined when he is asked the most secret and difficult thing in his heart - this man is still his rival.

If we say that at the beginning, he planned to leave a intact Shen Yan to lure Du Zhi to show up. Now, Shen Chengyan only intends to leave Shen Yan alive - as for intact? Ah, this unbroken broken household should be chopped up by hand and chopped feet, when human beings are the fate of Shen *!

In the house, vigorous winds are blowing everywhere, and martial spirit is overflowing everywhere.

Shen Yan was shocked. Although he was a little better, he just had the advantage of noumenon. His strength was too fierce.

Shen Chengyan is also terrified. He thinks he has excellent martial arts, but he doesn't expect that the other side will always beat him. There was no great difference in their martial arts, but Shen Yan had a subtle advantage.